Albert DeSilver_sandb1910.jpg

Albert DeSilver (S&B 1910)

Hotchkiss School*. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Zeta Psi. Columbia Law School. Columbia Law Review.

Chairman Committee on Legislation and trustee New York City Club, chairman Courts Committee, Brooklyn Bureau of Chanties; Trustee Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences; Director of the Nation and of the Up and In Club; Member Triennial and Decennial committees of the Class of 1910.[5]

1923 to 1924 - Studied Chemistry, Columbia .[5]

1922 to ? - Managing Trustee, National Bail Fund, to furnish bail in cases involving free speech and civil rigts; assisted in the preparation of various briefs in civil liberty cases before the United States Supreme Cort, notably that of Benjamin Gitlow, involving the New York State Criminal Anarchy Act; author of various pamphlets and articles on civil liberties, drafted memoranda for the President and Attorney-General in support of the appeal for amnesty for politicial prisoners held in federal prisons after the World War.[5]

1920 to 1924 - Associate Director of Civil Liberties successor, the American Civil Liberties Union.[5]

WW1 - 1918 to 1919 - Director National Civil Liberties.[5]

23 Jun 1913 - Margaret, daughter of George Burnham, Jr. (C.E. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1872), an Anna Gilpin (Lewis) Bunham. Children: Harrison, Ann and George Burnham.[5]

1912 - President, Progressive Club.[5]

1910 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 7 Dec 1924, Killed by express train enroute to Boston. Age 36.[5]

Search mind map … Amos Richards Eno Pinchot (S&B 1897) - Co-founder of ACLU.

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen

[4] - S&B Obituaries

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