Benjamin Rice Lacy, Jr. (Rhodes 1907)
Ministry. Rhodes Scholar, University of Oxford
Honary Degrees from Davidson College, Duke University, Hampden-Syndey College, the University of Richmond, and The University of North Carolina.
1950 - Moderator of the Prebyterian Church of the United States.[2]
1948 - U.S. Representative to the International Conference on Theological Education in Geneva by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason).[2]
1926 to 1956 - Pastor of Central Prebyterian Church in Atlanta.[2]
1919 - Married Emma Elizabeth White, daughter of the pastor of the First Prebyerian Church in Raleigh. They were the parents of two sons and a daughter. A portrait of him hangs in the Nevill Ray House in Richmond.[2]
WW1 - During World War I Lacy served as a chaplain with the 113th Field Artillery. Because of his heroism in aiding the wounded before the German lines in France, he became known as the “Fighting Parson.” It was later noted that on one occasion a deserted German battery with guns and ammunition was found, but it could not be turned against the enemy because all of the instructions were in German. Chaplain Lacy, who was able to decipher the tables and symbols, took charge and for two hours joined in operating the guns in well-directed fire.[2]
Awarded Hoge Fellowship. Taught Church History.[2]
1913 - Divinity, Union Theological Seminary, Richmond.[2]
1907 to ? - Rhodes Scholar, Worcester College, University of Oxford.[2]
Graduated Davidson College. (Star-quarter-back / History)[2]
Attended Raleigh Male Academy.[2]
Note: His father was a pioneer in promoting labor organizations in North Carolina and treasurer of the state from 1901 to 1928. His grandfather, Drury Lacy, was also a Presbyterian minister and president of Davidson College.
His mother was Mary Burwell Lacy, daughter of the President of Peace Institute in Raleigh.
[2] - - Benjamin Rice Lacy, Jr. (Rhodes 1907)