Charles Pascal Franchot_sandb1910.jpg

Charles Pascal Franchot (S&B 1910)

Attorney. Yale University. Skull and Bones.

President, General Counsel Buffalo Electric Furnance Corp.[2] (Inc. Apparatus for electrothermic reduction of ores or similar)

Chairman of the Board, Director, General Counsel Sonotone Corp.[2] (Inc. Hearing aids)

President, Dir Burden Iron Co.[2]

Director, General Counsel, Neville Island Glass Co.[2]

1946 - Member, Franchot, Corwin & Dressner (NY, DC).[2]

1946 to 1950 - Director, Special Legal Adviser, Naval Petroleum Reserves.[2] (Department of Energy) by President Harry S. Truman Freemason**

1944 to 1948 - Franchot & Dressner.[2]

WW2 - Capt. USNR JAG.[2]

1937 to 1942 - Franchot & Schachtel.[2]

1927 to 1945 - Director, General Counsel, Remington Rand Inc; (from Kardex merger. Then merged with Indx Visible, Inc founded by Irving Fisher S&B 1888)

1926 to 1927 - Vice President, General Counsel, Rand Kardex Bureau Inc.[2]

1922 to 1937 - Franchot & Warren.[2]

1920 to 1926 - Kenefick, Cooke, Mitchell & Bass.[2]

WW1 - 1916 to 1926 - Consular agent for France.[2] Ambassadors William Graves Sharp (19 Jun 1914 to 28 Nov 1919), Hugh Campbell Wallace (27 Feb 1919 to 5 Jul 1921) and Myron T. Herrick (16 Apr 1921 to 31 Mar 1929. Protege of Mark Hanna. Classmate of John D. Rockefeller Sr.)

WW1 - Maj Calvary AEF.[2]

Married Lillian Winston

1910 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 8 Sep 1953, from Not Known. Age 64.[4]

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen](]

[4] - Google Drive - S&B Obituaries

[5] - Buffalo electric furnance corp - patent example…

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