Edward Cajetan Bench_sandb1925.jpg

Edward Cajetan Bench (S&B 1925)

Phillips Exter Academy*. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Psi Upsilon. Anglers Club. Maidstone Club. Gulf Stream Gold Club.

? to ? - Trustee of the National Recreation Association and the Young Woman’s Catholic Asosciation.

? to ? - 40 Years - Vice President and teasurer of the Prebyterian Hospital in New York.

1947 to 1960 - General Partner, Clark, Dodge & Co.[2] (Investment banking and brokerage firm)

WW2 - 1942 to 1945 - Aviation Volunteer Service Officers. Special Assistant to Assistant Secretary of Navy for Air, Captain, US Naval Reserve.[2] Special Assistant to the Under Secretary of the Navy to work on plans for demobilization.[4] [what’s the scope of demobilization … loose ends ?… Search mind map]

1931 to 1947 - Vice President, Bank of New York.[2] (Great Depression 1929 to 1941)

Married Marian R Mulligan

Joined Western Electric.[4]

After graduation, Yak’s assistant football coach for a year.[4]

1925 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 1986, from Not Known. Age 84-85.

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen

[4] - Find a Grave.com - Edward Cajetan Bench (S&B 1925)

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