Frank Hatch Jones_sandb1875.jpg

Frank Hatch Jones (S&B 1875)

Yale University. Skull and Bones. Married President Grant’s daughter.

Active in reorganization of railroads, street railways, and other corporations, in railroad, coal mine, and other receiverships, and in management of trust properties.[5]

Jones at the beginning of the century, was a power and influence in Democratic Politics.[4]

President of League of Democratic Clubs of Illinois.[5]

Member of Chicago, University, Onwentsia, Bankers and Saddle and Cycle Clubs.

Married (2) July 4,1912, in Coburg, Ontano, Ellen Wrenshall Grant Sartoris, daughter of President Grant [Died 23 Jul 1885] and Julia Boggs (Dent) Grant [Died 14 Dec 1902]. Mrs Jones died August 30, 1922.[5] (Frank Jones was 57 at 2nd marriage. Ellen was 57.]. Ellen’s daughter Rosemary Alice Artoris Woolston [died 28 Aug 1914, Aged 33] married George Henry Woolston who had a heart attack and tumbled into the water while fishing and drowned [Died 27 Jan 1930. Age 64 to 65].

1879 to 1893 - Member of firm of Wilson & Jones (1886-1893) in Springfield .[5]

1878 to 1879 - Practiced law in Pittsfield.[5]

1910 to retirement 1915 - Secretary of Continental and Commercial Trust & Savings Bank [Chicago].[3][5]

1900 to 1910 - Secretary of American Trust & Savings Bank [Chicago].[3][5]

1897 to 1900 - Practiced law in Chicago as member of firm of Uhl, Jones & Landis.[5]

1893 to 1897 - First Assistant to U.S. Postmaster General William Lyne Wilson and Wilson S. Bissell (S&B 1869) by President Grover Cleveland (backed by William C. Whitney S&B 1863)[3]

1893 - He delivered the oration at the ceremy dedicating the Illinois State Building at the Chicago World’s Fair.[4]

1892 - Delegate to Democratic National Convention.[5]

28 Nov 1883 - Married (1), in Springfield, Sarah Irwin, daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth Jane (Ferguson) Bunn. Mrs. Jones died November 20, 1892.[5]

1891 - Member of Illinois State Legislature.[3] He was one of the leaders in the long struggle that preced the election of General John M. Palmer of the United States Senate.[4]

1878 - LL.B. Union College of Law (Chicago).[3]

1878 - Admitted to Illinois Bar.[5]

1877 to 78 - Union College of Law, Chicago, (LL.B. 1878).[5]

1876 to 77 - Columbia University Law School.[5]

1875 to 76 - Studied law in office of Matthews & Wike, Pittsfield.[5]

1875 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 2 Oct 1931, from TBC. Age 77. No children.

[1] - Book - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Book - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen

[4] - NY Times Oct 3, 1931. FRANK HATCH JONES, LAWYER, DIES AT 77; Once a Power in Democratic Politics—Former Assistant Postmaster General. WED GRANT’S DAUGHTER One of Leaders in Struggle to Elect General Palmer to the Senate —World’s Fair Orator.

[5] - Yale Obituary - Page 34 (36 on the page)

[6] - Find a - Frank Hatch Jones (S&B 1875)

[7] - Find a - George Henry Woolston

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