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Glenn Alan Fine (Rhodes 1979)

Inspector General. Harvard University (BA, JD). Rhodes Scholar, University of Oxford

30 Mar 2020 to 6 Apr 2020 (Removed by President Trump) - Chair of the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee by Panel of Inspectors General. President Donald Trump has upended the panel of federal watchdogs overseeing implementation of the $2 trillion coronavirus law, tapping a replacement for the Pentagon official who was supposed to lead the effort. A panel of inspectors general had named Glenn Fine — the acting Pentagon watchdog — to lead the group charged with monitoring the coronavirus relief effort. But Trump on Monday removed Fine from his post, instead naming the EPA inspector general to serve as the temporary Pentagon watchdog in addition to his other responsibilities. That decision, which began circulating on Capitol Hill Tuesday morning, effectively removed Fine from his role overseeing the coronavirus relief effort, since the new law permits only current inspectors general to fill the position. “Mr. Fine is no longer on the Pandemic Response Accountability Committee,” Dwrena Allen, a spokeswoman for the Pentagon inspector general’s office, confirmed. She added that Fine will return to his Senate-confirmed post as principal deputy inspector general of the Pentagon. Fine’s removal is Trump’s latest incursion into the community of independent federal watchdogs — punctuated most dramatically by his late Friday ouster of the intelligence community’s inspector general, Michael Atkinson, whose handling of a whistleblower report ultimately led to Trump’s impeachment.[7]

14 Jan 2016 to 6 Apr 2020 - Acting Inspector General of the Department of Defense by President Barack Obama and Donald Trump.

Preceded by Jon Rymer. Succeeded by Sean O’Donnel; (Acting)

2011 to Present - Partner of Dechert LLP [law firm in Washington, D.C.]

Mar 2007 - NY Times … At the Department of Education, investigators [justice] have taken on problems with student loans and the No Child Left Behind program [President George W. Bush S&B 1968]. The Department of Homeland Security’s inspector general has documented extensive waste and fraud in the response to Hurricane Katrina.[3]

On Friday, Mr. Fine’s office, along with the department’s Office of Professional Responsibility, began to examine the role of Mr. Gonzales and other officials in the dismissal of eight United States attorneys.[3]

Mr. Gonzales and the F.B.I. director, Robert S. Mueller III [Appointed director of the FBI one week before 9/11 by George W. Bush (S&B 1968)], accepted the report on national security letters released on March 9 with the gritted-teeth public gratitude that routinely greets such official exposés in Washington. “An excellent report,” Mr. Mueller said, “and I appreciate the work of the inspector general in conducting this review.”[3]

That is what Mr. Mueller, Mr. Gonzales and Mr. Gonzales’s predecessor, John Ashcroft, have found themselves saying repeatedly over the last five years, in response to Mr. Fine’s reports on the Justice Department’s wholesale roundup of Arab and Muslim immigrants after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks; on the F.B.I.’s failure to find two hijackers before the attacks; on its failure to act against Robert P. Hanssen long before the veteran agent was unmasked as a Russian spy; on the bureau’s botched efforts to update its computer systems; on its backlog of untranslated tapes and documents from counterterrorist investigations; and on many other failures.[3]

“You’re part of the department, but you’re also independent,” Mr. Fine, a 51-year-old Harvard-educated lawyer, said in an interview. “You have to recognize that you’re not going to be popular. You have to be as fair and aggressive as you can and just accept that you’re not going to please everyone.”[3]

Mr. Fine noted that his 400-person staff of criminal investigators, auditors and lawyers on occasion debunked accusations against the department. It found no improprieties in the F.B.I.’s interrogation of protesters before the Republican and Democratic conventions in 2004, for instance, and it cleared agents of accusations that they had deliberately assassinated a Puerto Rican independence activist, Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, who was killed in a 2005 shootout.[3]

Only by being tough on real misdeeds can an inspector general maintain credibility, Mr. Fine said. “If we had pulled our punches in the past, then people would not believe that a report clearing the F.B.I. or the department was the product of a thorough and independent review,” he said.[3]

22 July 2004 - 9/11 Comission Report published - Borders, Money, and Transportation Security - Glenn Fine [Rhodes 1979], Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice.[4]

10 Aug 2000 to 28 Jan 2011 - Inspector General of U.S. Department of Justice to Attorney General, Janet Reno (Quill and Dagger), Eric Holder (Acting. Sigma Pi Phi/Boule), John Ashcroft (S. Elmo Society), Alberto Gonzales (Harvard. 1994 General Counsel to Gov. GWB S&B1968) , Paul Clement (Harvard, joined Bancroft PLLC led by Viet D. Dinh, US Patriot Act architect, member of Phoenix - S K Club, Harvard, originated from Theta Nu Epsilon, offshoot of S&B), Peter Keisler (Acting. Yale.), Michael Mukasey (Yale. 1993 WTC bombing Case. defended USA Patriot Act), Mark Filip (Acting, Phi Kappa Psi, Marshall Scholarship to Oxford) and Eric Holder (See above) by President Barack Obama, George W. Bush (S&B 1968) and Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968) . As the in-house watchdogs at every federal agency, the inspectors general have enormous power to expose government bungling and misconduct. But doing the job requires them to confront their agency colleagues and bosses, time after time, with the excruciating details of how they have failed.[3]

Preceded by Robert Ashbaugh (acting). Preceded by Cynthia Schnedar (Acting)

Sep 1993 - Married Beth Heifetz (Jones Day Partner) , a former clerk to the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackmun (Phi Beta Kappa. Lambda Chi Alpha).[4]

1985 - Juris Doctor, from Harvard Law School.

From 1979 - Rhodes Scholar, Pembroke College College, University of Oxford.[1]

Note: Father … antitust lawyer at the Justice Department of 28 years.[3]

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - FYI - Wiki

[3] - Glare of Publicity Finds an Inspector General By Scott Shane (March 26, 2007)

[4] - Former clerks: Today’s prospects, tomorrow’s elite by John Shiffman 8 Dec 2014

[5] - Robert S. Mueller III father, Bob worked for Du Pont.

[6] - 9/11 Commission Report

[7] - Politico - Trump removes independent watchdog for coronavirus funds, upending oversight panel. The move comes as Trump makes a broad push against inspectors general scrutinizing his actions.By KYLE CHENEY and CONNOR O’BRIEN 04/07/2020

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