Henry Martyn Hoyt_wolfshead1878.jpg

Henry Martyn Hoyt (Wolf’s Head 1878)

Republican. Solicitor General of the United States. Yale University. Wolf’s Head. University of Pennsylvania Law School.

President Taft (S&B 1878. Freemason) has said of him “A man of great ability, of wide reading, he represented in the highest sense the literary culture of Yale. He would not accept judicial office, although it fell to my fortune to press it on him. He preferred in a less conspicous station to render a service for whch he was peculiarly fitted. He preferred as an agent of the State Department to assist in the making of treaties and bringing about of diplomatic agreements, and to him as much as to anyone is due the success of the Canadian reciprocity agreement, for he went to Canada, he had long conferences with the gentlemen representing Canada, and he laid the broad foundations upon which that agreement has been subsequentlt reached.”

1909 to 20 Nov 1910 - Counselor of the State Department By President William Howard Taft (S&B 1888. Freemason) [1]

Position created when Hon Philander C. Knox LLD (son, Hugh Smith Knox (S&B 1907)), under whom Mr Hoyt had served in the Department of Justice, became Secretary of State in 1909.[1]

23 Feb 1903 - Appointed Solicitor General by President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason)[1]

1897 to 22 Feb 1903 - Assistant Attorney General to the United States by President McKinley (assassinated), succeeding his classmate Whitney.[1]

Mar 1886 - Treasuer of the Investment Co of Philadelphia, and it’s President in 1890.[1]

Three years he was assistant cashier of the United States National Bank of New York.1

1881 to 1883 - Admitted to the Pennsylvania bar and praticed in Pittsburg in the Office of Hon George Shiras. (B.A. Yale 1853), afterward Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.[1]

1881 - University of Pennsylvania Law School.[1]

1878 - Graduated Yale, Wolf’s Head.

Studied law in the office of MacVeagh & Bishop in Philadelphia.

Died 20 Nov 1910, Whilst in Ottawa to confer with Canadian officials, Mt Hoyt was taken seriously ill and though able to reach his home in Washing D.C., died of peritonitis a few days later. Age 53.


Father - Henry M. Hoyt (Phi Beta Kappa) - 21 Jan 1879 to 16 Jan 1883** - 18th Governor of Pennsylvania.

Hugh Smith Knox (S&B 1907) - son of former U.S. Secretary of State and U.S. Senator Philander Chase Knox

[1] - Yale Obituary - 1910 to 1911 - p84

[2] - As above - direct link

[3] - FYI - Wiki - Henry Martyn Hoyt (Wolf’s Head 1878)

[4] - Book - Skulls and Keys by David Alan Richards (S&B1967) - The Hidden History of Yale’s Secret Societies.

[5] - Find a Grave - Henry Martyn Hoyt (Wolf’s Head 1878)

[6] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[7] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

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