Henry Walcott Farnam_sandb1874.jpg

Henry Walcott Farnam (S&B 1874)

Yale University. Skull and Bones. Kappa Sigmas Epsilon. Delta Beta Xi (alpha Sigmas Phi). Delta Kappa Epsilon. Phi Beta Kappa.

Member American Economic Association (President 1910-11), National Housing Association (director), Chamber of Commerce of the United States, Connecticut Chamber of Commerce, New Haven Chamber of Commerce, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Academy of Political Science, Social Hygiene Society, American Association for Labor Legislation, American Civic Association, American Eugenics Association, American Sociological Society, American Historical Association, American Statistical Association, American Forestry Association, New Haven chapter of National Aeronautical Association, Society of May flower Descendants, Sons of Colonial Wars, New Haven Rotary Club (director 1919-1921), Elizabethan Club, and Center Church (Congregational), New Haven; member of council of Yale-in-China since 1924, official representative of Yale at induction of Dr. Edward H.Hume, ‘97, as its president in 1924; member advisory council of Peabody Museum; secretary of Class of 1874 (1904-1914), acting secretary 1930-31, and secretary since 1931; Alumni Fund agent for Class of 1874 since 1932.[4]

Author Die innere Franzdsiscbe Gewerbe-pohtik von Colbert bis Turgot (1878), Die Amerikantschen Gewerkvereine(1879), memoir of Henry Farnam (1889), Deutscb-AmertkantscbeBezetbungen in der Volkswirtscbaftslehre, in Scbmoller Festgabe (1908),chapters on “Government Insurance and Workingmen’s Insurance in Germany” in Tale Readings in Insurance (1909), The Economic Utilization of History (1913), Shakespeare’s Economics (1931) and manuscripts still unpublished, contributor to Tale Review, American Economic Association Quarterly, American Labor Legislation Review, National Municipal Review, National Civic Federal Review, Investment Weekly, Political Science Quarterly, Princeton Review, Tale Scientific Monthly, Atlantic Monthly, Unpopular Review, New Tork ‘Times Magazine, New Haven Colony Historical Society ‘Transactions, Tale Alumni Weekly, Tale Daily News, Book of the Tale Pageant.[4]

Trustee of Calhoun (Ala) Colored School.[4]

1931 - Member Connecticut Committee of Puerto Rico Child Feeding Committee.[4]

1925 - Member World Court Committee of New Haven (See also William Whitman S&B 1866 also a member)

1924 to 1925 - Director of New Haven Community Chest.[4]

Since 1924 - On board of Connecticut branch of League of Nations Association.[4]

1923 - Member of Executive committee of New Haven Committee of 100 for Law Enforcement.[4]

1921 to 1929 - President of Connecticut Training School for Nurses.[4]

1919 - Chairman of Executive committee of Salvation Army campaign in Connecticut.[4]

1919 - Chairman of Executive committee of Near East drive.[4]

1918 to 1919 - Chairman of Community Labor Board under the Federal Government.[4]

WW1 - 1917 to 1919 - Executive committee of Senior Service Corps.[4]

WW1 - 1917 to 1919 - Member of publicity and educational committees of State Council of Defense, and of executive committee of New Haven War Bureau 1918 and of its subcommittee on women’s labor.[4]

1916, Instrumental in reorganization of the department as Board of Research Associates in American Economic History and its chairman and treasurer until death.[4]

1915 to 1933 … Note: Included Start of Great Depression from 1929 - Supervised and edited seven volumes of Contributions to American Economic History; for this work received a medal from National Institute of Social Science in 1920 and prepared a volume on The History of Social Legislation in the United States (now being edited for publication by Professor Clive Day (S&B 1892)**, as his contribution to this series.[4]

1915 to 1919 - Chairman of New Haven branch of National Security League.[4]

1914 - Appointed Roosevelt Professor at University of Berlin, but prevented by the war from entering upon his duties there.[4]

1913 - A Connecticut delegate to Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration.[4]

1912 - Member of committee on organization of International Congress of Hygiene and Demography.[4]

1910 to 1930 - Member of supervisory board of American Tear Book.[4]

1910 to 1911 - President of Connecticut State Conference of Charities and Corrections.[4]

Since 1910 - Vice-President of Consumers League of Connecticut.[4]

1906, Founder, 1907 to 1910, President, Since 1910, Honorary president of American Association for Labor Legislation as a branch of the International Association.[4]

1905 - Director of the restoration of Connecticut Hall.[4]

1903 to 1918 - Member of Graduate School Yale Faculty, 1881 to 1903, Governing board of Sheffield Scientific School.[4]

1903 to 1916, One of collaborators, 1909 to 1916, Chairman of Department of Economics and Sociology of Carnegie Institution, Washington, D.C.[4]

1902 to 1927 - Vice-President of New Haven County Anti-Tuberculosis Association and of its successor, Gaylord Farm Association, Walhingford, since 1927.[4]

1901 to 1927, President, Since 1927, Honorary President of Lowell House (now Farnam Community House) (member of council 1900-1930 and honorary member since then); in 1907 gave its present building and in 1918 the vacation house at Branford.[4]

Since 1900, Trustee, Since 1927, President of Board of Trustees of Hopkins Grammar School.[4]

1900, Member of Council, Since 1901, Vice-President National Civil Service Reform League.[4]

1899, Editor of John Koren’s Economic Aspects ofthe Liquor Problem (Prohibition started in the 1920s).[4]

1892 to 1911 - Editor of Tale Review (formerly New Englander and Tale Review) and 1911-12, American Economic Review.[4]

26 Jun 1890, in New Haven, Elizabeth Upham Kingsley(certificate in Art 1884), daughter of William Lathrop Kingsley (B.A. S&B 1843, LittD. 1892) and Hannah Louise (Upham) Kingsley; granddaughter of Professor James L. Kingsley (B.A. 1799; LL.D. Middlebury1831); and niece of George T. Kingsley (B.A. 1832) and Henry C.Kingsley (B.A. 1834). Children: Louise Whitman (B A. Vassar 1912; Ph.D. Yale 1916, M D. 1920) (Mrs Hugh Brian Wilson); Katharine Kingsley (B.A. Vassar 1914; B.S. Simmons 1919), wife of Professor Samuel C. Harvey, ‘07 S. and ‘11 M.; Henry Walcott, Jr , ex-‘17]; William Kingsley (died in infancy); and Elizabeth (died in infancy).[4]

1887 to 1910, Member, 1887 to 1903, Clerk, 1903 to 1909, Chairman of the board of Connecticut State Commission of Sculpture.[4]

1885 to 1925 - Trustee of New Haven Orphan Asylum.[4]

1884 to 1890 - President of New Haven Morning News.[4]

Since 1881 - Director New Haven Hospital, 1881 to 1886, member prudential committee, 1920 to 1927, president of board.[4]

1881 - Active in organization of New Haven Civil Service Reform Association in 1881 (first civil service board in State of Connecticut), and president 1898-1900; upon its expansion into Connecticut Civil Service Reform Association became president in 1902 and served until 1923; in 1924 elected member of executive committee of the association and in 1926 elected member of council of its successor, Connecticut Civic Association.[4]

1879 to 1880, Tutor in Latin at Yale, 1880 to 1912, Professor of Political Economy (also in Sheffield Scientific School 1881-1903), 1912 to 1918, Professor of Economics, since 1918, Professor Emeritus.[4]

1877 to 1878 - Gottingen University (R P D magna cum laude University of Strassburg 1878).[4]

1876 to 1877 - University of Strassburg.[4]

1875 to 1876 - Studied at University of Berlin winter.[4]

1874 to 1875 (M A. 1876) - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones.1.[4]

Note: Buried in Grove Street Cemetery, New Haven. Survived by wife, two daughters, one son, and three grand children. By the terms of his will his library was left to Yale University.[4]

Died 5 Sep 1933, from post operative complications. Age 79.

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen

[4] - Yale Obituary - Page 25/ On the page 24

[5] - Wiki - Henry Walcott Farnam (S&B 1874)

[6] - Wiki - Lake Mohonk Conference on International Arbitration

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