John Hopkins Heires_rhodes1939.jpg

John Hopkins Heires (Rhodes 1939)

International Banker. Intelligence Officer. Yankon College. Rhodes Scholar, University of Oxford.

10 Years until Retirement - International affairs adviser for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.[2][3]

Vice President of Marine Midland Bank.[2][3]

1969 to 1973 - Vice President of Private Investment Co. for Asia, working from Tokyo and Singapore.[3]

1964 to 1969 - Attache, State Department regional legal counsel to Secretary of State, Dean Rusk (Rhodes 1931) by President Lyndon B. Johnson.[3]

1962 - Joined Agency for International Development (USAID), working as a legislative coordinator and Pakistan desk officer.[3]

1958 to 1962 - Executive Secretary of U.S. Intelligence Board by President Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy.[3]

1957 - Secretary of the Intelligence Advisory Committee of the National Security Council by President Dwight D. Eisenhower (Vice President Richard Nixon)[3]

Board of National Estimates, Central Intelligence. Directors for the period included Walter B. Smith (hired by Morehead Patterson [S&B 1920]) and Allen Dulles (CFR. The Pilgrims).

1950 to 1953 - Associate with the Washington Law Firm of Covington & Burling.[3]

Spent two years with a law firm in San Francisco.[3]

1946 - Graduated Yale Law School.[3]

WW2 - Served with the U.S. Navy, Pacific.[3]

From 1939 to ? - Rhodes Scholar, Wadham College, University of Oxford.[1]

1939 - Graduated Yankton College, South Dakota.[3]

Died 2 Jul 1988, from Heart Attack. Age 69 to 70.

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - NY Times, 6 Jul 1988 - John Hopkins Heires, Banker, 69


[4] - Find a Grave - John Hopkins Heires (Rhodes 1939)

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