John Theodore McNaughton_rhodes1949.jpg

John Theodore McNaughton (Rhodes 1949)

U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for Internation Affairs. Depauw University. Harvard University. Rhodes Scholar

Note: Soviet military aid was fundamental for the North Viets. In September 1967 the institute for Strategic Studies in London reported that the Soviets sent numbers of MiG-17 and MiG-21 fighters, Ilyushin-28 light bombers, transport aircraft, helicopters, 6,000 antiaircraft guns (one-half radar controlled), surface-to-air (guideline) missiles, 200-250 missile launchers, several thousand air defense machine guns, and a training mission of about 1,000 men to North Vietnam.[9,2014,p190]

Apr 1967 - This aid [above and more] was confirmed by former Assistant Secretary of Defense John T. McNaughton, i.e. the Soviets supplied the “sophisticated equipment in the field of anti-aircraft defense.” Loss of 915 U.S. planes over North Vietnam between February 1965 (the date of the first U.S. air operations over North Vietnam) and the bombing halt of November 1, 1968 testify to the accuracy and utility of the Soviet equipment. After President Nixon (Bohemian) took office in Jan 1969 and expanded technical transfers, losses mounted a total of more than 4,000 U.S. aircraft by the end of 1972. [NOTE: McNaughton (Rhodes 1949), wife and son died in plane crash Jul 1967, shorty after the hearing on Apr 1967.][7,2014,p190]

1967 - Secretary of Navy Designate.[9]

1966 - Jason study by John McNaughton and Adam Yarmolinsky concluded that air strikes had been ineffective.[8]

1964 - McNaughton and Schelling outlined the Vietnam bombing strategy, leading to the first phase of Operation Rolling Thunder (2 Mar 1965 to 31 Oct 1968).

1964 - Worked with Thomas Schelling (friend from Marshall Plan administration) whilst teaching at Harvard, Schelling was asked to work at the Department of Defense. Schelling instead nominated McNaughton promising to advise McNaughton on weapons and strategy, he becamse Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs.

Since 1964 - Assistant Secretary Defense International Security Affairs to Secretary Robert McNamara (Bohemian) by President Lyndon B. Johnson.[9]

1962 to 1964 - General Counsel Department Defense to Secretary Robert McNamara (Bohemian) by President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.[9]

1961 to 1962 - Deputy Assistant Secretary Defense International Security Affairs to Secretary Robert McNamara (Bohemian) by President John F. Kennedy.[9]

1953 - Associate Professor of Harvard Law School.

1952 - Ran for congress as a Democrat, but defeated by Harold V. Velde (1942 FBIs sabotage and counterespionage division).

1951 - Returned to the United States and became editor of the Pekin Daily Times.

1949 to 1951 - Attorney office Special Republican, Economic Commission for Africa, Paris.[9] Took a position in the European Payments Union under the Marshall Plan. (W. A. Harriman (S&B 1913))

1949 - Oxford University, Rhodes Scholar.

1946 - Harvard University.

WW2 - U.S. Navy

1942 - Depauw University

Died 19 Jul 1967, from Plane Crash Piedmont Airlines Flight 22 including Wife and younger son along with 71 other passengers and 5 crew. Age 46

Note: Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara (Bohemian), confided privately that McNaughton (Rhodes 1949) could have been his choice to replace him as Secretary of Defense. McNaughton resigned from the post of Assistant Secretary of Defense and was to become Secretary of Navy on August 1, 1967 after being confirmed by the United States Senate.

Father owned the Pekin Daily Times.

[1] - Rhodes Scholarship Database

[2] - FYI - Wiki - John Theodore McNaughton (Rhodes 1949)

[3] - FYI - Wiki - Piedmont Airlines Flight 22

[4] - Find a Grave - John Theodore McNaughton (Rhodes 1949)

[5] - Book - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[6] - Book - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[7] - Book - The Best Enemy Money Can Buy by Antony C. Sutton (3-Nov-2014)

[8] - Article - - LBJ & Vietnam

[9] - - John Theodore McNaughton (Rhodes 1949)

[10] - FYI - Article - The Secret Diary of McNamara’s Dove: The Long-Lost Story of John T. McNaughton’s Opposition to the Vietnam War Benjamin T. Harrison, Christopher L. Mosher

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