Marvin Bresler Durning_rhodes1950.jpg

Marvin Bresler Durning (Rhodes 1950)

Environmental Lawyer. Rhodes Scholar, Balliol College, Oxford University.[1] Yale Law School.[2]

11 Dec 1980 - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 by President Jimmy Carter. (Introduced to the House by James Florio, Democratic.)[7]

20 Jan 1977 to 20 Jan 1981 - Assistant Administrator for Enforcement in the Environmental Protection Agency by President Carter.[2][3] He advised companies on environment clean-ups worldwide, and organised conservation efforts in Puerto Rico.[3]

1972, Legal Control of the Environment. Practicing Law Institute, New York.[6]

Lost three Democratic races for U.S. Congress.[2]

Korea - U.S. Navy. Gunnery Officer. Intelligence Officer.[3]

Died 16 Oct 2013, from Not Known. Age 83-84.

Survivided by wife wife, Jean, daughter Susan and sons Jonathan and Alan.[2]

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - Dartmouth - Alumni Magazine - Marvin Bresler Durning

[3] - Yale - Alumni Magazine

[4] - World Turned Upside Down: U.S. Naval Intelligence and the Early Cold War …By Marvin B. Durning

[5] - VOX - Puerto Rico is slipping into an environmental crisis, by Umair Irfan, 25 Oct 2017

[6] - Environment A Bibliography of Social Science and Related Literature

[7] - Find a Grave - Marvin Bresler Durning (Rhodes 1950)

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