Paul Howard McGregor Converse_wolfshead.jpg

Paul Howard McGregor Converse (Wolf’s Head 1909)

Yale University. Wolf’s Head. Alpha Delta Phi.

Area representative, New York State Civil Defense; U. S. decorations, Bronze Star, Legion of Merit, Army Commendation Ribbon, and two battle stars, recipient, Order of the British Empire and Order of Al Rafidain, Iraq member, Military Order of World Wars, and New York Society of Military and Naval Officers of the World War.

1947 - Special Service Officer, Special Service Section, retired, 1948; (interesting year … search mind map)

WW2 - 1944 to 1946 - Military attache, American Legation, Bagdad, Iraq, [1] (FYI 1941, Rashid Ali al-Gaylani and Golden Square, Iraq pro Nazi’s, overthrew Crow Prince ‘Abd al-Ilah, resulting in Anglo-Iraqi War to protect interests.)

WW2- 1943 to 1944 - Chief, Advance Base, Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Collection Agency, Beirut.[1]

WW2 - 1942 to 1943 - Chief, Inspector-Instruction Section, Provost Marshal General, USAFINE, Cairo, Egypt[1]

WW2 - 1941 - Deputy Chief, Office of Export Control, Department of Commerce, Secretary Jesse H Jones (Freemason) by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason).[1]

1937 - Representative, Canadian branch, Dominick & Dominick.[1]

1936 to 1937 - Special representative, branch of Dominick & Dominick, England and France.[1]

1929 to 1941 - General Manager, Dommick & Dominick, Dayton, Ohio. (Co founded by Grayer Dominick S&B1909)

WW1 - 1st Lieutenant, 1916, Captain, U. S. R , Company B, 301st Infantry, 1917 to 18, instructor, School of Fire, F.A., Fort Sill, Okla., 1918 to 1919, Major, F A. O. R. C, 1919; Major, Cavalry, O. R. C, 1921, Lieutenant-Colonel, Cavalry, 1924.[1]

WW1 - 1912 to 1916 - Corporal and Sergeant, 1st Cavalry, New York National Guard.[1]

1910 to 1915 - Treasurer and director, W. W. Kneath & Co., Inc.[1]

1909 to 1910 - Automobile salesman, W. C. Barry, Jr., Automobile sales agency.[1]

1909 - Graduated Yale University, Wolf’s Head.

Died 6 Mar 1952, from Not Known. Age 63.

[1] - Yale Obituary - Paul Howard McGregor Converse (Wolf’s Head)

[[2] - Find a Grave - Paul Howard McGregor Converse (Wolf’s Head)](]

[3] - Jesse H. Jones - Freemason

[4] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[5] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

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