Pierre Jay (S&B 1892)
Finance. Yale University. Skull and Bones.
Trustee of Barnard College and been a Trustee of the Groton School for many years.[6]
1941 - National Treasurer, Russian War Relief.[2][6]
From 1933 - Member of the Executive Committee, Foreign Bondholders Protective Council.[6]
1930 to 1945, Chairman Board, 1945 to ?, Hon. Chairman, Fidiciary Trust Co of NY.[2][6]
1926 to 1930 - American Member, Transfer Committee Deputy Agent of Reparations (Berlin) under the Dawes Plan.[2][6]
1917 - Recieved Honary A. M. from Yale University.[6]
1914 to 1926 - 1st Chairman of the Board, Federal Reserve of New York and Federal Reserve Agent.[2][6]
**Federal Reserve Bank of New York.[2]
1909 to 1914 - Vice President, Manhattan Co, NY.[2][6]
1906 to 1909 - Bank Commissioner (MA).[2][6]
1903 to 1906 - Vice President, Old Colony Trust Co, Boston.[2][6]
1899 to 1903 - Post & Flagg,( NY).[2][6]
1893 - The Beni Gum Co, La Paz, Bolivia.[2]
1892 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]
Govenor, Yale Publishing Assocation.[2]
1892 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]
Died 24 Nov 1949, from Not Known. Age 79.
Descended for John Jay, first chief justice of the United States.[6]
Son of Rev. Peter Augustus Jay, Protestant Episcopal clergyman, and Mrs Post Jay.[6]