Robert Burns Pirie Jr_rhodes1956.jpg

Robert Burns Pirie, Jr. (Rhodes 1956)

Pioneer Navy Test Pilot. U.S. Rhodes Scholar, University of Oxford

He served 20 years as a naval officer, culminating his service with three years in command of a nuclear attack submarine.[6]

Served on several nuclear submarines, as a staff analyst in the Naval Forces Division of the Office of Secretary of Defense, as commanding offer of the U.S.S. Skipjack, as senior staff assistant to the Director of the National Security Council’s Net Assessment, and as Deputy Director of Net Assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.[3]

After leaving government service he held a variety of positions in the private sector, including that of president of Essex Corporation and vice president of the Center for Naval Analyses and vice president of the Institute for Defense Analyses.[6]

12 Oct 2000 to 20 Jan 2001 - Under U.S. Secretary of the Navy, Secretary of Defence William Cohen (Psi Upsilon) by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)[6]

The Honorable Robert B. Pirie, Jr. (Rhodes 1956), had been asked by the President George W. Bush’s (S&B 1968) Administration to serve as Acting Secretary of the Navy until the nomination and confirmation of an appointee by Mr. Bush (S&B 1968).

1994 to 2000 - Assistant U.S. Secretary of the Navy for Installations and Environment, Secretary of Defense William Perry (CFR, 1964 to 1977, President & Founder of Electromagnetic System Laboratory (ESL), subsidary of TRW … Interesting) by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968).[6]

1989 to 1992 - He directed the CNO Strategic Studies Group.[6]

1978 to 1981 - Assistant U.S. Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics to Harold Brown (Lawrence Livermore National Labatory) by President Jimmy Carter (Trilateral Commission).[3]

Preceded by John P. White (nominated for Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget)[3]

1977, Deputy Director of Net Assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense to Donald Rumsfeld by President Gerald Ford (Freemason / VP Nelson Rockefeller).[3]

1975 to 1977, Deputy Assistant Director for National Security of the Congressional Budget Office.[3]

1963 - M.A. Oxford University.[1]

1956 to ? - Rhodes Scholar, Magdalen College, University of Oxford.[1]

1955 - B.S., U.S. Naval Academy.[3]

Born 11 Sep 1933.

Father … Robert Burns Pirie (Vice Admiral U.S. Navy, Sicily, Coral Sea, U.S. Second Fleet Atlantic, WW2, Cold War. Helped assemble the original Jan 1959 list of more than 500 test pilot volunteers which would be quickly whittled down to the April 1959, list of Mercury Seven astronaunts). 1986 - Inducted into the Naval Avaition Hall of Honor in Pensacola.[5]

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - Robert Burns Pirie, Jr. (Rhodes 1956)

[3] - Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Jimmy Carter, 1979 … Nomination of Robert B. Pirie, Jr.

[4] - FATHER - Space Medicine in Project Mercury 7 - Robert Burns Pirie


[6] - Robert Burns Pirie, Jr. 10 September 1933 -Biogrpahy

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