Samuel Reading Bertron jr_sandb1885.jpg

Samuel Reading Bertron (S&B 1885)

Financier. Diplomat. Attorney. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Delta Kappa Epsilon. The Pilgrims. Yale Club. Piping Rock, Downtown Association. University Club. Sons of the Revolution. Metropolitan of Washington.[1][5]

Honary Secretary of the Franco-American Society.[5]

President of International Equities Corporation and a director of the National Surety Corporation and the Atlantic Safe Deposit.[5]

He appeared before the Federal Electric Railways Commission.

Director International Equities Corporation, director New York Indemnity Company, American Scantic Line, NationalSurety Corporation, Atlantic Safe Deposit Company, and United Gas & Electric Engineering Corporation; chairman American-Russian Chamber of Commerce and of the Board of the American-European Utilities Corporation 1925.[4]

Director Society for the Promotion of Education among Russians and Belgian American Educational Foundation.[4]

Honorary secretary Franco-American Society.[4]

In 1935, Betron advocated recognition of Soviet Russia as a spur of trade improvement.[5] (Research Antony C. Sutton - The Best Enemy Money Can Buy).

Chairman of the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce and President of the New York Sourthern Society.[5]

1930 to 1932 - Chairman, local [Oyster Bay] relief committee to aid the unemployed.

1930, he had urged leniency on international debts, and in the following year advocated a five-year debt moratorim on interallied debt as a means of alleviating world depression.[5]

1925, Chairman of the board of the American-European Utilities Corporation to develop electric power systems in Poland, Czechoslovakia and Rumania.[5]

1923, headed a group of New York bankers who received a grant from the Czechoslovak Republic to exploit 1,000,000 acres of rich timber lands in the Carpathian Mountains [Poland]. The transaction was reported to have involved $1,000,000.[5]

1919 - Made commander of the Order of Leopold II of Belgium and the following year was honored by the French Government.[5]

1919 - Member advisory committee School of Business, Columbia University.[4]

WW1 - 1918 - Served as Vice President War Relief Clearing House for France and the Allies, and treasuer of executive Committee Italian War Relief Commission of America.[5]

WW1 - 1918 - Roumanian Relief Committee of America.[5]

WW1 - 1917 to 1921 - Advisor, Excess Profits Tax Board by President Woodrow Wilson.[5] Member of the Excess Profits Tax Commission, Washington, and the Captial Issues Commissions, New York.[5]

WW1 - 1917 - American Red Cross Mission to Russia (Root commission led by Elihu Root).[5]

WW1 - Office of the Crown of Romania and established the French War Relief Bureau, which was afterward taken over by the American Red Cross.[5]

WW1 - Member of the Hoover Relief Commission (aka Belgium Relief Commission).

Assisted in drafting the Federal Reserve Act 1914.[4]

1912 - Helped peace negotiations between Italy and Turkey.[5]

1912 to 1938 - President of Bertron, Griscom & Company, International Financier, Paris.

1892 - Admitted to the Bar for New York.

1889 - Equitable Mortgage Company in Boston.

1886 - Admitted to the Bar Mississippi.

1885 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.

Died 30 Jun 1938, from cerebral hemorrhage. Age 73

Note: Parents - Samuel Reading Bertron Sr. and Ottilie Mueler.

[1] - Book - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Book - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen

[4] - Yale Obituaries

[5] - SAMUEL R. BERTRON, BANKER, DIES AT 72 - President of Company Here, Economic Expert and Leader in War Relief Work HONORED BY MANY NATIONS Aided Peace Parleys Between Italy and Turkey in 1912—On Mission to Russia Was on Hoover Commission Aided Profits Tax Board

[6] - FYI - Wiki - Samuel Reading Bertron (S&B 1885)

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