The cyclopædia of fraternities by Albert Clark Stevens, 1854- (1899)
… Freemasonry, of course, is shown to be the mother fraternity in fact, as well as in name; but particular interest will attach to details connecting many of the more important fraternities with Freemasonry. Broader, and fully as interesting, is the fact that in free and democratic America there are more secret societies and a larger aggregate membership among such organizations than in all other civilized countries.**
The probable extent of the influence of secret society life may be inferred from the fact that more than 6,000,000 Americas are members of 300 such organizations, which confer about 1,000 degrees on 200,000 novitiates annually, aided, instances, by a wealth of paraphernalia and dramatic ceremonial which rivals modern stage effects.**
More than 30,000 members are annually added to the rolls of Masonic Lodges in the United States; quite as many join the Odd Fellows, and one-half as many the Knights of Pythias; more than 100,000 join other secret societies, the lodges , chapters, or councils of which dot the counrty almost coincidently with the erection of churches and schoolhouse.**
It is rarely that one in ten of the active members of secret societies is familiar with the origin and growth of his own fraternity, and not one in a hundred has a fair conception of the relation of his own organization to like societies, or of the origin and evolution of leading organizations which for the secret society world.**
… One of the revelations of the book is found in the reference to secret sisterhoods attached to beneficiary fraternities, as well as separate societies of women, relatives of members of brotherhoods, number altogether about half a million women. Among the larger are the Daughters of Rebekah, the Order of the Eastern Star, Ladies of the Maccabees, the Rathbone Sisters, Pythian Sisterhood, the Daughters of Liberty, the Daughters of Americam and others. In addition, there are many beneficiary societies which admit both men and women.[1,Preface]**
Masonic Bodies
American Rite: Lodges, Chapters, Councils, and Commanderies.
Scottish Rite: Grand Lodges of Perfectio, Councils Chapters, Consistories, and Supreme Councils.
Concordant Orders: Royal Order of Scotland; Knights of the Red Cross of Constantine.
Non-Masonic Bodies to which only Freemasons are Eligible: Modern Society of Rosicrucians; Soverign College of Allied Masonic Degrees; Ancient Arabic Order of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine; Mystic Order, Vield Prophets of the Enchanted Realm; Independent, International Order of Owls, and the “side degree,” Tall Cedars of Lebanon.
Dead or Dormant: Rite of Memphis; Oriental Rite of Memphis and Misraim; Rite of Swedenborg; Order of Martinists.
Irregular or Supirious Masonic Bodies: 1. American and “Scottish Rite” bodies among negros: 2. Cernean and Seymour-Cerneau “Scottish Rite” bodies.
Also, Clandestine Masonic Lodges;
Society of the Illuminati and the Covenant;
Freemasonry among the Early Mormons;
Chinese Freemasonry in America;
Freemasonry among American Negroes;
Anti-Masonry at Home and Abroad;
Statistics of Freemasonry, and a list of Distinguished Americans who are or were Freemasons.
Military Orders and Societies
Society of the Cincinnati (War of Revolution).
Military Order of the Loyal Legion. Grand Army of the Republic.
Sons of Veterans.
Union Veteran Legion.
Women’s Relief Corps.
Ladies of tlie Grand Army of the Republic.
Aid Society of the Sons of Veterans.
Auxiliary to the Union Veteran Legion.
Loyal Ladies’ League.
Soldiers’ and Sailors’ League.
Advance Guard of America, or Grand Army of Progress, and
United Confederate Veterans.
Patriotic and Political Orders
- still in existance (1899)
Sons of Liberty.
Sons of St. Tamina. - Tammany Society, or Columbian Order. Society of Red Men.
- Order United American Mechanics.
- Junior Order United American Mechanics. Sons of ‘76 ; Order Star Spangled Banner (Know Nothing Party).
- Patriotic Order Sons of America.
- Patriotic Daughters of America.
Order of True Americans. - Daughters of Liberty.
- Daughters of America.
United Sons of America.
- Junior Sons of America.
- Brotherhood of the Union.
Patriotic Order of True Americans. American Knights.
Order United Americans.
Order of American Star.
Free and Accepted Americans.
Order Native Americans.
The Crescent.
National Order of Videttes.
Order of Red, White, and Blue.
Loyal Men of American Liberty.
Sons of the Soil. - American Protestant Association.
- Junior American Protestant Association.
Loyal Knights of America.
Order of American Freemen.
Benevolent Order of Bereans.
Guards of Liberty.
- American Protective Association (A. P. A.).
- Women’s Historical Society.
- Junior American Protective Association.
- Constitutional Reform Club.
- National Assembly, Patriotic League.
- Order Little Red School House.
- American Patriotic League.
- Daughters of Columbia.
- Order of American Union.
Order of American Shield.
- United Order of Deputies.
Minute Men of 1890. - Knights of Reciprocity.
- American Knights of Protection.
- Templars of Liberty.
- Patriots of America.
- Daughters of the Republic.
- Silver Knights of America, and
- Silver Ladies of America.
- Patriotic League of the Revolution.
Indian Republican League.
Sons of Liberty (3d).
- Loyal Women of American Liberty.
Freemen’s Protective Silver Federation.
Minute Men of ‘96.
Ladies of Abraham Lincoln.
- Lady True Blues of the World (Orange).
- Protestant Knights of America.
- Loyal Orange Institution.
- Women’s Loyal Orange Association.
- Royal Black Knights of the Camp of Israel.
- National Farmers’ Alliance.
- Order of the Mystic Brotherhood.
- American Order United Catholics (anti-A. P. A.).
College Greek Letter and other Fraternities
Phi Beta Kappa (founded at William and Mary)
Chi Delta Theta (Yale).
Chi Phi (Princeton).
Kappa Alpha (Union).
Sigma Phi (Union).
Delta Phi (Union).
I. K. A.(Trinity).
Alpha Delta Phi (Hamilton).
Skull and Bones (local, Yale).
Psi Upsilon (Union).
“Mystical 7” (Wesleyan).
Theta Theta Pi (Miami).
Chi Psi (Union).
Scroll and Key (local, Yale).
“The Rainbow” (Univ. Mississippi).
Delta Kappa Epsilon (Yale).
Zeta Psi (Univ. New York).
Delta Psi (Columbia).
Theta Delta Chi (Union).
Phi Gamma Delta (Wash, and Jefferson).
Phi Delta Theta (Miami).
Phi Kappa Sigma (Univ. Pennsylvania).
Phi Kappa Psi (JelT., Pennsylvania).
Chi Phi (Princeton).
Sigma Chi (Miami).
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (Univ. Alabama).
Chi Phi (Univ. North Carolina).
Chi Phi (Hobart).
Delta Tail Delta (Bethany).
Alpha Tau Omega (Virginia Mil. Inst.).
Kappa Alpha, Southern (Washington-Lee).
Kappa Sigma (Univ. Virginia).
Pi Kappa Alpha (Univ. Virginia).
Sigma Nu (Virginia Mil. Inst.).
Wolf’s Head (Yale).
Local Greek Letter, and other College Societies
Phi Nu Theta (Wesleyan).
Kappa Kappa Kappa (Dartmouth).
Delta Psi (2d) (Univ. Vt.).
Alpha Sigma Pi (Univ. Vt.).
Alpha Sigma Phi (Marietta).
He Boule (Soph. Soc. Yale).
Eta Phi (Soph. Soc. Yale).
Lambda Iota (Univ. Vt.).
Alpha Chi Omega (music).
Phi Alpha Sigma (medicine).
Phi Delta Phi (law).
Phi Sigma Kappa (medicine).
Nu Sigma Nu (medicine).
Q. T. V.(agriculture).
Berzelius (Yale).
Phi Zeta Mu (Dartmouth).
Theta XI.
Sigma Delta Chi (Yale).
Women’s Societies
Alpha Beta Tau.
Alpha Phi.
Xappa Alpha Theta.
Beta Sigma Omicron.
Gamma Phi Beta.
Delta Gamma.
Delta Delta Delta.
Kappa Kappa Gamma.
P. E. 0.
Sigma Kappa.
Pi Beta Phi.
Sigma Chi (local, Cornell)
Alpha Sigma Theta.
Delta Beta Xi.
Delta Kappa (freshman).
Kappa Sigma Epsilon (freshman).
Kappa Sigma Phi (sophomore)
Phi Theta Psi, all local Yale societies.
Delta Upsilon (Williams)
Gamma Nu (local, Yale, extinct).
Benevolent or “Friendly” Societies
Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
Improved Order of Red Men.
Ancient Order of Foresters.
Foresters of America.
Knights of Pythias.
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows (negro).
United Ancient Order of Druids.
Ancient Order of Hibernians.
Irish National Order of Foresters.
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.
Sons of Herman.
German Order of Harugari.
Ancient and Illustrious Order, Knights of Malta.
Actors Order of Friendship.
Concatenated Order of Hoo Hoo.
Artisans’ Mutual Order of Protection.
Order of St. George.
Order of Scottish Clans.
Order of the World.
Order of Sanhedrim.
Ancient Essenic Order.
Knights of Pythias of North and South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa (negro).
- Total Abstinence Friendly Societies : Independent Order of Rechabites ; Sons of Temperance ; Independent Order of Good Templars ; Royal Templars of Temperance ; Independent Order of Good Samaritans (negro), and others.
Mutual Assessment Fraternities
Ancient Order United Workmen.
Knights of the Mystic Chain.
Knights of Honor.
Knights of the Golden Eagle.
Legion of the Red Cross.
Knights of Birmingham.
Order of the Golden Cross.
Knights and Ladies of Honor.
Royal Arcanum.
Shield of Honor.
American Legion of Honor.
Order of Chosen Friends.
Order of Sparta.
Order of the Red Cross.
United Order Pilgrim Fathers.
Iowa Legion of Honor.
Home Circle.
Modern Woodmen of America.
Modern Woodmen of the World.
Home Forum Benevolent Order.
Loyal Knights and Ladies.
Order of United Friends.
National Union.
United States Benefit Fraternity.
Protected Home Circle.
Royal Society of Good Fellows.
Knights of the Maccabees.
Knights of the Golden Chain.
Independent Order of Chosen Friends.
Knights of the Golden Rule.
Royal League.
Northwestern Legion of Honor.
Grand Fraternity.
New England Order of Protection.
United Fraternal League.
Order of Unity.
Empire Knights of Relief.
United Friends of Michigan.
Fraternal Aid Association.
National Protective League.
Modern Knights Fidelity League.
Mystic Workers of the World.
Knights and Ladies of Security.
Canadian Order of Chosen Friends.
National Fraternity.
Tribe of Ben Hur.
Columbus League.
Order of Iroquois.
Prudent Patricians of Pompeii.
Home Palladium.
Golden Star Fraternity.
Independent Order of Foresters.
Independent Order of Foresters of Illinois.
Canadian Order of Foresters.
United Order of Foresters of Minnesota.
Pennsylvania Order of Foresters.
Order of Heptasophs, or S. W. M.
Improved Order of Heptasophs.
Order of Continental Union.
American Insurance Union.
Independent Order Chosen Friends of Illinois.
Chosen Friends of Canada.
League of American German Friends.
Order of Select Friends.
Knights and Ladies of the Golden Star.
Loyal Additional Benefit Association.
Knights and Ladies of the Fireside.
Knights of the Globe.
Knights of Sobriety, Fidelity, and Integrity.
Independent Order of Mechanics.
National Reserve Association.
Royal Tribe of Joseph.
Order of Mutual Protection.
National Fraternal Union.
Fraternal Mystic Circle.
American Benefit Society.
Order of Star of Bethlehem.
Knights and Ladies of the Golden Precept.
Western Knights Protective Association.
Light of the Ages.
Order United Commercial Travelers.
Fraternal Union of America.
Ancient Order of Freesmiths.
Improved Order Knights of Pythias.
Patriarchal Circle of America.
Knights of the Loyal Guard.
Native Sons of the Golden West.
Royal Standard of America.
Ancient Order of Pyramids.
Independent Order B’nai B’rith.
Independent Order Free Sons of Israel.
Order of B’rith Abraham.
Independent Order Sons of Benjamin.
Kesher Shel Barzel.
Improved Order B’nai B’rith.
Independent Order Sons of Abraham.
Free Sons of Judah.
Ahavas Israel.
Independent Order of American Israelites, and
American Star Order.
Roman Catholic
Catholic Benevolent Legion
Knights of Columbus
Catholic Knights of Illinois
Catholic Order of Foresters
Knights of Father Mathew
Irish Catholic Benevolent Union
Catholic Mutual Benevolent Union
Catholic Women’s Benevolent Legion
St. Patrick’s Alliance of America, and others.
United Brethren of Friendship and Sisters of the Mysterious Ten
International Order of Twelve
Knights and Daughters of Tabor
Grand United Order Galilean Fishermen
Short Term Assessment Societies
Progressive Endowment Guild.
Sexennial League.
Eclectic Assembly.
Royal Benefit Society.
Order of Pente.
Order of AEgis.
Order of Iron Hall, Baltimore City.
Modern Order of Craftsmen.
International Fraternal Alliance.
Order of Home Builders.
Columbus Mutual Benefit Association.
Order of Equity.
National Dotare
Mystical and Theosphical
Order of the Omah Language.
Temple of Isis.
Society of Eleusis.
Brotherhood of the West Gate.
Order of the Magi.
Hermetic Brothers of Luxor.
Order of the S. S. S. and Brotherhood of Z. Z.
R. R. Z. Z.
Order of the Sufi.
Brotherhood of the New Life.
Ancient Order of Osiris.
Esoterists of the West.
Rochester Brotherhood.
Order of S. E. K.
Fifth Order of Melchizedek and Egyptian Sphinx.
Order of the Wliite Shrine of Jerusalem.
Genii of Nations, Knowledge, and Religions.
Altruistic Order of Mysteries.
Labor Organizations
“The International.”
Knights of Labor.
“Triangle Club.”
“The Brotherhood.”
Amalgamated Association of Iron and Steel Workers.
American Flint Glass Workers’ Union.
International Association of Machinists.
National Union of Iron and Steel Workers.
Knights of St. Crispin.
Order of Commercial Telegraphers.
Railway Brotherhoods:
Locomotive Engineers ; Conductors ; Firemen ; Telegraphers ; Trainmen ; Switchmen ; Carmen ; American Railway Union.
Cooperative and Educational.
The Wheel.
Patrons of Husbandry.
Patrons of Industry.
Sovereigns of Husbandry.
Sovereigns of Industry.
Brotherhood of the Cooperative Commonwealth.
Universal Republic of the Earth.
New Order of Builders.
Crowned Republic.
Commonwealth of Jesus.
Order of the Grand Orient.
Social and Recreative.
Sons of Malta (extinct).
Oriental Order of Humility.
Sons of Adam (extinct).
Loyal Order of Moose.
Independent Order of Old Men.
Sons of Idle Rest.
The Orientals.
Order of Woodchoppers.
Independent Order of Gophers.
Revolutionary Societies
Knights of the Golden Circle.
Ku Klux Klan.
Union League of America.
Fenian Brotherhood.
Knights of the Inner Circle.
Brotherhood of United Irishmen.
United Brotherhood.
Irish Republican Brotherhood.
Industrial Army.
Iron Brotherhood.
Order of Reubens (Patriot War).
League of National Armenian Race.
Order of Mules.
The Mafia.
Tramp “Fraternities.”
White Caps.
The Camorra.
Molly Maguires.
[1] - The cyclopædia of fraternities by Albert Clark Stevens, 1854- (1899)