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Thomas Thacher (S&B 1871)

Lawyer. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Phi Beta Kappa. Brothers of Unity. Columbia Law School

Lecturer on corporations in the Yale School of Law.

During his forty-five years of active practice at the bar the economic life of the country was under going a great transformation in the rapid development of production on a large scale. In preparing the structure of the new business organization Mr Thacher had no small part, performing as he did, much of the legal work in connection with the organization of the Brooklyn Union Gas Company, the American Smelting & Refining Company, the Republic Iron & Steel Company, the American Sheet Steel Company, the American Steel Hoop Company, the American Can Company, the American Locomotive Company, the Railway Steel Spring Company, and other large consolidations.

He combined with such activities the work of a court lawyer, and often appeared before the courts in cases of importance. He was actively interested in the Bar Association of New York City, and for two years (1907-09) was its vice-president.

He was a frequent contributor to the law reviews At the Yale Bicentennial he was chosen to deliver the address on “Yale in Relation to Law”.[4]

1907 to 1909 - Vice President of the Bar Association of New York City.

From 1906 to death - Director, member of the Alumni Advisory Board.[4]

1903, Yale conferred upon him the degree of LL.D. [4]

1898 until 1904, President of the New York Yale Club. At the time of his death he was an honorary member of the club.

From 1895 to 1897 - Served as President of the Yale Alumni Association in New York.

From 1887 to 1914 - Mr Thacher was a lecturer on corporations in the Yale School of Law.[4]

He was one of the founders, 1894 to 1897, Chairman of the Yale Alumni University Fund, and gave himself enthusiastically to the work of the Alumni Fund Association.[4]

1 Dec 1880 - married, in New YorkCity, to Sarah McCullough, daughter of Ashbel and Louise B.(Walker) Green, of Tenafly, who survives him with a son, Thomas Day (S&B 1904), and three daughters.

1875 to 1919 - Co-Founder and Member of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett.

1875 - Columbia University. (LL.B.)

1871 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.

Died 30 Jul 1919, from pro longed illness. Age 69.


His father, Thomas Anthony Thacher, LL D.(B.A. S&B 1835), was professor of Latin at Yale from 1842 to 1886, and his mother, Elizabeth (Day) Thacher, was the daughter of Jeremiah Day (B A. 1795), president of Yale from 1817 to 1846, and Olivia (Jones) Day On his mother’s side he traced his ancestry to Robert Day, who emigrated from Ipswich, England, in 1634, settled in Cambridge, Mass.,and in a few years removed to Connecticut and helped to found Hartford.[4]

Robert Webster Day (S&B 1875) - Noah Webster’s great-grandson

In his will he made a bequest of $2,500 to beadded to the principal of the Alumni Fund.

Children: Louise Green,who was married October 12, 1907, to Theodore Ives Driggs(B A 1907); Sarah, who married Lewis Martin Richmond(Ph B 1903), September 19, 1908; and Elizabeth.

He also leaves three brothers’ Edward S. Thacher, ‘72, Alfred B Thacher, ‘74, and Dr John S. Thacher, ‘77, and two half brothers, Sherman D. Thacher, ‘83 and ‘86 L, and William L. Thacher, ‘87.

An older brother, James Kingsley Thacher (B.A 1868, M D. 1879), died in 1891. Among other Yale relatives were Stephen Thacher (B A 1795), George Thacher (B.A. 1840), James M. Thacher (B A. 1842), Dr. Henry C.Thacher, ‘02, and Thomas A Thacher, ‘08 and ‘10 L.

[1] - FYI - Wiki - Thomas Thacher S&B 1871

[2] - Yale Obituary - p66

[3] - Find a Grave - Thomas Thacher (S&B 1871)

[4] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[5] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

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