William Averell Harriman_sandb1913.jpg

William Averell Harriman (S&B 1913)

Democratic. Politician. Businessman. Diplomat. Groton School*. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Club of Rome (Rockefeller). Council on Foreign Relations.(Rockefeller)

1980 - Member, United States delegation to Zimbabwe independence ceremonies by President Jimmy Carter (Gridiron. Trilateral Commission)… Search mind map … Zimbabwe Independence.

1968 to 1969 - U.S. Negotiator at the Paris Peace Conference on Vietnam by President Lyndon B. Johnson

18 March 1965 to 20 Jan 1969 - Ambassador at Large by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Frank Arne Sieverts (Rhodes 1954) - Special Assistant to Ambassador at Large W. A. Harriman (S&B 1913)

4 Apr 1963 to 17 Mar 1965 - Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs by President John F. Kennedy

By 1963, Kennedy had come to suspect the loyalty of certain members on his national security team. According to Colonel William Corson, USMC, by 1963 Harriman (S&B 1913) was running “Vietnam without consulting the president or the attorney general (RFK).”.Corson said Kenny O’Donnell, JFK’s appointments secretary, was convinced that the National Security Advisor, McGeorge Bundy (S&B 1940), followed the orders of Harriman (S&B 1913) rather than the President (JFK). Corson also claimed that O’Donnell was particularly concerned about Michael Forrestal (Search mind map … Son of Secretary of Defence James Forrestal.), a young White House staffer who handled liaison on Vietnam with Harriman (S&B 1913).[2, p334 / 335]

4 Dec 1961 to 3 Apr 1963 - Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs by President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

**Jan 1959, Alfalfa Club speech “… I recall here the words of Granville Rice, when he wrote … The rules of life apply the same, To any sport you choose, It matters not how you play the game, So long as you never lose.”[3,p211]

1956 - Although Harriman (S&B1913) had Truman’s (Freemason) backing, Adlai Stevenson II (Quadrangle Club] was nominated. (FYI - Search mind map. RIP 1965)

1 Jan 1955 to 31 Dec 1958 - Governor of New York

1951 to 1953 - Director of Mutual Security Agency by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

Mutual Security Agency - to maintain the security and to promote the foreign policy of the United States by authorizing military, economic, and technical assistance to friendly counteries to strengthen the mutual security and individual and collective defenses of the free world, to develop their resources in the interest of their security and independence and the nartional interest of the United States and to facilitate the effective participation of those countries in the United Nations System for collective Security.[9]

1948 to 1950 - United States Coordinator for the European Recovery Program [Marshall Plan]

7 Oct 1946 to 22 Apr 1948 - Secretary of Commerce by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

30 Apr 1946 to 1 Oct 1946 - U.S. Ambassador to Great Britain by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

1946 to 1986 - Limited Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

After WW2, Harriman (S&B1913) is one of the first private patients of Stephen Ward (Search mind map. Ward is a key person in the Profumo affair involving underage parties and died 3 Aug 1963, the day before the verdict of his trial and shortly before the assassination of JFK. Ward is connected to Quorum ‘Q’ Club (ran by Bobby Baker … Search mind map an associate of LBJ) via Wsther Sue Yan Chang (aka Suzy Chang) who worked at his club in the 1960s.[4]

23 Oct 1943 to 24 Jan 1946 - U.S. Ambassador to the Soviet Union by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason).

Three years later, nearly a year after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of the Nazis’ share in the Silesian-American Corporation under the Trading with the Enemy Act. Enemy nationals were said to own 49 percent of the common stock and 41.67 percent of the preferred stock of the company.[3]

7 Dec 1941 - Attack on Pearl Harbor.

1941 to 1943 - Special Representative of the President of the United States to Great Britain by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

1932 to 1942 - Chairman of the board of Union Pacific Railroad Co.

Sept 1939, Nazi tanks and bombs “settled” the Silesian corruption dispute, with the invasion of Poland, beginning World War 2. The Nazi army had been equiped by Flick, Harriman (S&B 1913), Walker and Bush (S&B 1917), with materials essentially stolen from Poland. There were probably few people at the time who could appreciate the irony that when the Soviets also attacked and invaded Poland from the East, their vehicles were fueled by oil pumped from Baku wells revived by the Harriman (S&B 1913) / Walker / Bush (S&B 1917) enterprise.[3,p269 / p270]

31 Aug 1939 - Gleiwitz Incident (Pretext for the Nazi invasion of Poland)

1935, Harriman Fifteen Corporation memo from George Walker announced an agreement has been made “in Berlin” to sell an 8,000 block of their shares in Consolidated Silesian Steel. But the dispute with Poland did not deter the Bush (S&B 1917) family with continuing its partnership with Flick.[3,p269 / p270]

19 Mar 1934, Prescott Bush (S&B 1917) - then director of the German Steel Trust’s Union Banking Corporation - initiated an alert to he sbsent W. A. Harriman (S&B 1913) about a problem which had developed in the Flick partnership. Bush (S&B 1917) sent Harriman (S&B 1913)** a clipping from the New York Times of that day, which reported that the Polish government was fighting back against American and German stockholders who control “Poland’s largest industrial unit, the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company…The Times article continued: “The company has long been accused of mismanagement, excessive borrowing, fictitious bookkeeping and gambling in securities. Warrants were issued in December for several directors accused of tax evasions… [3,p269 / p270]

1932 to 1942 - Chairman of the board of Union Pacific Railroad Co.

From 1 Jan 1931, The Harriman Fifteen Corporation (George Walker, President, Prescott Bush (S&B 1917) and W. A. Harriman (S&B 1913), sole directors) held a substantial stake in the Silesian Holding Co. at the time of the merger with Brown Brothers. This holding correlated to W. A. Harriman’s (S&B 1913) chairmanship of the Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation, the American group owning one-third of a complex of steel-making, coal-mining and zinc-mining activities in Germany and Poland, in which Friedrich Flick owned two thirds… For this build up of the Hitler war machine with coal, steel and arms production, using slave labourers, the Nazi Flick was condemned to seven years in prison at the Numberg trials; he served three years.

1931 to 1946 - Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

1925 to 1928 - Investor in Soviet Georgian manganese concessions

1920 to 1931 - Chairman of the board of W.A. Harriman & Co.

1917 to 1925 - Chairman of the board of Merchant Shipbuilding Corp.

1915 to 1946 - Director of Illinois Central Railroad Co.

1913 - Graduated Skull and Bones, Patriarch.

Brother of E. Roland Harriman (S&B 1917) - funded Adolf Hitler via the Union Banking Corporation and Fritz Thyssen.

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2a] - Book - Archive.org - The Secret History of the CIA Paperback – January 4, 2005 by Joseph J. Trento (Author)

[2b] - Book - Amazon.com - The Secret History of the CIA Paperback – January 4, 2005 by Joseph J. Trento

[3] - Book - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[4] - Spartacus Educational - Stephen Ward - “His first private patient was Averell Harriman”

[5] - FYI - Wiki - William A. Harriman (S&B 1913)

[6] - Penn University Archives & Records Center - Harold E. Stassen Papers 1940 to 1957. References … Chief staff of staff to Admiral Halsey from 1943. In 1945, President Roosevelt named Stassen to the American delegation to the first United Nations conference in San Francisco, where he helped to write the UN Charter.

[7] - WallStreet and the Rise of Hitler - The Astonishing True Story of the American Financiers Who Bank rolled the Nazis by Professor Antony C. Sutton

[8] - Independent.co.uk, 25 Jul 1995 - Letter: Two sides of Freemasonry. Wilkes’s Diary Vs Cdr M.B.S. Higham Grand Secretary

[8b] - 4 Feb 2018 - The Guardian Two Freemasons’ lodges set up at Westminster are continuing to operate.

[8c] - ‘The Masons’ Candidate’: New Welcome Lodge No. 5139 and the Parliamentary Labour Party

[9] - Mutual Security Agency - Public Law 165 - Chapter 479

[10] - The Guardian.com, 25 Sep 2004 by Ben Aris and Duncan Campbell - How Bush’s grandfather helped Hitler’s rise to power

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