Eli Whitney Debevoise II (Manuscript)
Yale University. Manuscript Society. Council on Foreign Relations.
6 Apr 2007 to 2009 - U.S. Executive Director of the World Bank Group by George W. Bush (S&B 1968)
Great, great grandson of Eli Whitney. Descendants of Eli include:
William Collins Whitney (S&B 1863)
Harry Payne Whitney (S&B 1894) - son of former Secretary of the U.S. Navy William C. Whitney (S&B 1863)
Payne Whitney (S&B 1898) - son of former Secretary of the U.S. Navy William C. Whitney (S&B 1863)
[1] - FYI - Wiki - Eli Whitney Debevoise II (Manuscript)
[2] - The Betton Woods Committee - Eli Whitney Debevoise II (Manuscript)
[3] - Chambers-associate.com - 5 minutes with Eli Whitney Debevoise II (Manuscript)
[4] - Father, Eli Whitney Debevoise. Ref great-great grandfather, Eli Whitney.
Note: Upon his return to the United States, Mr. Debevoise rejoined his firm and served in a variety of public and human rights posts. He was a member of the New York State Special Legislative Committee on Integrity and Ethical Standards in Government, chairman of the executive committee of Radio Free Europe, chairman of Governor Rockefeller’s Committee to Review New York Laws and Procedures on Human Rights, vice president and chairman of the International Commission of Jurists and a member of the New York Citizens Committee on Reaportionment.
He was also active in many charities, serving as president of the New York Association for the Blind, chairman of the Russell Sage Foundation, as a trustee of Rockefeller University and a trustee of the American Geographical Society.
[7] - President Grover Cleveland - President: 10,000 Famous Freemasons reports: “Not a Freemason, but favorable to the fraternity. At the banquet following the dedication by the Grand Lodge of Virginia of the monument erected to Mary, the mother of Washington, he said he “regarded it as his misfortune that he had never been made a Mason.” At one time there was talk of making him a Mason “at sight” in the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, but it was never accomplished.”[7.1] Some considered Cleveland to be an Illuminati Pawn. William Collins Whitney [S&B1863], (of the Satanic Collins family) was thought, by many, to be the power behind the Presidency, He also directed a group of powerful and important capitalists called the Whitney Group.[7.2]
[7.1] Denslow, 10,000 Famous Freemasons, 1957
[7.2 ] Springmeier, The Illuminati Bloodlines, 1995