Bletchley Park - UK’s top-secret home of the World War Two Codebreakers.
Compromised - Skull and Bones funded Hitler via the Union Banking Corporation.
No disrespect is intended for honourable servicemen and women.
13 Feb 1945, The system was further modified on after which all signals sent by the Hut 3 watch were sent directly to G-2, and on 30 Mar 1945 in relation to the selection of diplomatic and attaché material for US Commands in the European and Mediterranean theatres.[4]
Sep 1944, it was agreed that G-2 should receive a copy of all teleprints and reports sent by Hut 3, which consequentially removed a requirement to notify the War Office and Air Ministry about the items being sent.[4]
May 1943, onwards, there was close co-operation between British and American Intelligence.[3,60]
After the United States joined World War II (7 Dec 1941), a number of American cryptographers were posted to Hut 3.[3,60]
20 to 21 Nov 1940 (tbc) - site was damaged by three bombs, shifting hut 4 two meter off its foundation (“probably intended for Bletchley railway station”).[3,62]
Late 1939 - Construction of the wooden huts.[3,59]
Sept 1939 to Nov 1939 - Reginald Victor Jones (Balliol College Oxford, Senior Studentship of Astronomy. Assist. Director of Intelligence (Science) first scientist to be assigned to intelligence attended Bletchley Park (Hut 3), leaving a small team behind to report any descrypts of scientific or technology nature and returned to London (Broadway). F. W. Winterbottom passed Jones the Oslo Report (significant German intelligence leak written by Hans Ferdinand Mayer on 1 - 2 Nov after German invaded Poland.) and decided it was geniune, thorough three service ministries regarded it as a plant. “In a few dull moments of the War, I used to look up the Oslo report to see what should be coming along next.”
15 Aug 1939 - Government Code and Cypher School moved to Bletchley Park.
Skull and Bones / Others / Related - to be completed
Frederick Whiley Hilles (S&B 1922) - He was one of many American officers, mostly of an academic background, posted to England to work at the code-breaking centre at Bletchley Park in Buckinghamshire. There, Hilles was in charge of the day-to-day operations of the MIS group in Hut 3 which was responsible for dissemination intelligence gleaned from Ultra to American channels as provided for by the agreement between the Americans and British of 7 May 1943. He lived at The Hunt Hotel at Linslade near Leighton Buzzard and drove daily to Bletchley and made frequent trips to Cambridge and London. The MIS unit at Bletchley was closed down in July 1945 and he subsequently wrote the history of it for the U.S. Government. His account was originally classed Secret but was declassified in 2012
Aug 1943 - William P. Bundy (S&B 1939) - CIA - led nine-man 6813th Signals Security Detachment to the UK secret code braking ‘Government Code and Cipher School’ at Bletchley Park. He and six other cryptanalysts worked in Hut 6 and the two translators worked in Hut 3. They fitted in well and he later described his time there as “the most satisfying of my carer” … Search mind map.
Jun 1942 - William Harding Jackson (S&B Connections) - After graduation from Harrisburg , Jackson was promoted to Major and brought into the War Department by Secretary Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888), where he became General Staff (Chief of Secret Intelligence reporting to General George C. Marshall from the European Theater of Operations (ETO) at COSSAC headquarters) with the cover title Chief of G-2 intelligence for 1st Army Group (FUSAG). After training on the Enigma codes at Bletchley Park, UK, he became the senior ULTRA SCIU team leader for all US armies in the ETO. Previously worked at Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft (S&B connections). Worked for John Hay Whitney (S&K 1926) at his firm H.H.Whitney and Co. Father Payne and Grandfather William Collins Whitney were both Skull and Bones (S&B1894 / S&B1863). After the war went onto Carter, Ledyard & Milburn (S&K connections), becoming Deputy Director of CIA by President Truman (Freemason) and NSA advisor by President Eisenhower.
? to ? (WW2) - Alfred Friendly - While in the military he was involved in cryptography and intelligence operations, finally becoming the second in command at Bletchley Park, and the highest ranking American officer. After the war he remained in Europe as press aide to William. Averell Harriman (S&B1913), supervisor of the Marshall Plan. 1967, he was a journalist and heard rumours of the Six Day War (Research USS Liberty) allowing him to be present at the beginning. 1983, he shot himself.
[1] - Bletchley Park Official Website
[2] - FYI - Wiki - Bletchley Park
[3] - FYI - Wiki - Reginald Victor Jones
[3,2] - Foot, M. R. D.(19 December 1997). “Obituary: Professor R. V. Jones”. Independent.
[3,59] - Smith, Michael (1999) [1998], Station X: The Codebreakers of Bletchley Park, Channel 4 Books, p. 20, ISBN 978-0-7522-2189-2
[3,60] - Taylor, Telford (1993), Anglo-American signals intelligence co-operation in Hinsley & Stripp 1993, pp. 71–3
[4] - William Friedman’s Bletchley park diary: A different view by Ralph Erskine
Extract… 29 ‘History of Hut 3 at BP’, vol.II, pp.513–14: PRO HW 3/120. The September 1943 amplification of the Agreement is set out in Supplement B to that volume (pp.547–8). In September 1944 it was agreed that G-2 should receive a copy of all teleprints and reports sent by Hut 3, which consequentially removed a requirement to notify the War Office and Air Ministry about the items being sent: ibid. p.523. The system was further modified on 13 February 1945, after which all signals sent by the Hut 3 watch were sent directly to G-2, and on 30 March 1945 in relation to the selection of diplomatic and attaché material for US Commands in the European and Mediterranean theatres: Supplements E and G to that volume (pp.556–7, 564–5). See also the text to note 58.
59 For a brief history of 3-US, see ‘History of Hut 3’ (note 29) vol.II, pp.515–20; ‘Operations of the Military Intelligence Service War Department London’: NARA RG 457, Entry 9002, SRH-110.
[5] - Spartacus Educational - Bletchley Park
[6] - Bletchley Park - Frederick Whiley Hilles S&B 1922
(References Bletchley Park 1942 - June 1945. Block D(3) c. 1943-1944. Deputy, later Chief, US Army Liaison Officer.
[7] - Bletchley Park - William P Bundy S&B 1939
(References Bletchley Park from September 1943. Hut 6, OC and Operations Officer of US 6813 Signals Security Detachment.)
[8] - Bletchley Park - Alfred Friendly
(References Bletchley Park. US integree.)