Zeph Stewart_sandb1943.jpg

Zeph Stewart (S&B 1943)

Decryptographer. Educator. Hotchkiss School. Yale University. Skull and Bones.

Andrew W. Mellon Professor of the Humanities at Harvard Univesity.

1994 to 2001 - Financial Trustee at Harvard.

1985 to 1992 - Director of the Center for Hellenic Studies at Harvard.

1983 - He was President of the American Philological Association.

1977 to 1982 - Classics Department Chair at Harvard.

1973 to 2004 - Executive Trustee of the Loeb Classical Library at Harvard.

1963 to 1975 - later serving as Master of Lowell House at Harvard.

1953 - Appointed Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin at Harvard.

After joining the graduate program at Harvard in 1947, he became a Junior Fellow.

1943 to 1947 - He also served in London and Paris and was recalled to active duty during the Korean War.

He then joined the Army and served in military intelligence, having been recruited by Edwin Reischauer (Jay Rockefeller was a former student. Whilst Ambassador to Japan there was an assassination attempt on Reischaucer. the resulting blood fusion was infected with hepatitis which eventually killed him from complications years later), with whom he worked closely on Japanese code-breaking in the Pentagon (Operation MAGIC - Search mind map)

On the advice of his older brother, Potter, later a Justice of the Supreme Court, he had enrolled in Japanese after the US joined the Second World War.

1 Dec 2007, from complicatons of pneumonia. Age 86.

Son of former Mayor of Cincinnati James Garfield Stewart (Mayor, 1938-1947)

Brother of former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart (S&B 1937).

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Harvard - Gazette - Story - Zeph Stewart (S&B 1943)

[4] - Wiki - Edwin O. Reischauer - recruited Zeph Stewart for code breaking.

[5] - Google Books - Edwin O. Reischauer and the American Discovery of Japan by George R. Packard

[6] - Archive.org - Edwin O. Reischauer and the American Discovery of Japan by George R. Packard

[[7] - UK - Channel4.com - Pearl Harbour the New Evidence](https://www.channel4.com/programmes/pearl-harbor-the-new-evidence

[8] - Classics - Harvard - Zeph Stewart (S&B 1943) Memorial issue.pdf

[9] - Archive.Boston.com, 12/12/2007 - Zeph Stwart Taught Lessons of Classics Humanity at Harvard

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