Armistead Mason Lee_sandb1938.jpg

Armistead Mason Lee (Rhodes 1938)

Foreign Service Officer. Economist. Yale University. Phi Beta Kappa.[2] Rhodes Scholar, University of Oxford.[1]

Vice President of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association.[2] [Know known as Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America / PhRMA]

**Volunteer in the correspondence office of the White House. Founding member of the National Economists Club, a member Unitarian-Univeralist Church of Arlington and DACOR (Diplomatic and Consular Offices Retired) and President of the Lees of Virgina family association.[2]

Retired in 1967.[2]

1960 to 1963 - Deputy U.S. Commissioner for the Tripartite Commission for Restitution of Monetary Gold at Brussels.[8] (President Dwight D. Eisenhower and John F. Kennedy)

LA Times - Bitter Secrets and a Cache of Gold … Trilling-Grotch is a child of the Holocaust, born to a privileged life she never possessed. At 58, she mourns a family exterminated and a fortune vanished. A half-century on, she seeks the only measure of justice left to her, tracking the missing funds her mother mentioned the last night they spent together in a Warsaw Ghetto attic. “Don’t worry,” were her mother’s whispered words. “There is money in a Swiss account.” Long rumored, rarely found, such accounts are part of an enduring mystery of the Holocaust: What happened to the lost assets of the millions who died? As Jewish groups have pressed in recent months for a full accounting, the rush to research government annals has only added to the enigma…[9]

1954 to 1956 - Consul at the U.S. Embassy in Kingston, Jamaica.[2]

1951 - Moved to Washington.[2]

Later assigned to Senegal, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland and Brussels.[2]

WW2 - 1942, Serving as Vice Consul in Toronto.[2]

WW2 - 1942 - Married Eleanore Ruggles Cobb Lee (1914 to 2009).[3]

Master Degree in Economics, Harvard University.[2]

Geneva School of International Studies.[10]

1938 to 1939 - Rhodes Scholar, Prembroke College, University of Oxford.[1][10]

Master Degree in History, Yale University.[2]

Died 4 Aug 1998, from Respiratory Failure. Age 82.[2]

Survivors include his wife of 56 years, Eleanore Cobb Lee of Alexandria; three children, Eleanore Lee of Berkeley, Calif., Rebecca Samanci of Westford, Vt., and Jeffrey Lee of Arlington; eight grandchildren; and a great-grandchild.[2]

[[1] - Rhodes Database]

[2] - Washington Aug 8, 1998 - Armistead Lee, 82 Dies

[3] - Find a Grave - Armistead Mason Lee (Rhodes 1938)

[4] - Pills, Profits, and Politics By Milton Silverman, Philip Randolph Lee (ref Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)

[5] - Foreign Direct Investment in the United States: Report of the Secretary of …By United States. Department of Commerce (ref Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association)

[6] - Drug coverage under national health insurance: Proceedings of the national conference, October 5-7, 1977

[7] - The Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association: The First 30 Years

[8] - Dissolution of the Tripartite Gold Commission

[9] - LA Times - Bitter Secrets and a Cache of Gold

[10] - The Biographic Register By United States. Department of State

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

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