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Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936)

Democratic Party. Diplomat. University of Wisconsin at Madison. Rhodes Scholar, Balliol College, Oxford University. American University. Council on Foreign Relations. Council of American Ambassadors. Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training. American Academy of Diplomacy

2004 - John Kerry (S&B 1966) for President Campaign Member.

2000 - Gore 2000 Campaign Member.

1980 to 1981 - U.S. Ambassador to Austria by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) / George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Bohemian. Freemason)

1977 to 1980 - U.S. Ambassador to Hungary by President Jimmy Carter (Gridiron. Trilateral Commission)

Mr. Kaiser played a key role in persuading the Carter administration to return the Crown of St. Stephen to Hungary in 1978. It had been in U.S. hands since 1945. “We returned the crown. We got a trade agreement” giving Hungary favored trade status, Mr. Kaiser recalled in an interview at the Harry S. Truman Library. “We opened up the country to the West, and that relationship has continuously expanded.”[6]

1969 to 1975 - Chairman, Managing Director of Encyclopedia Brittanica International Ltd., London

1964 to 1969 - Minister at the American Embassy in London, Great Britain by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

1962 - During the Cuban Missile Crisis Kaiser acted to deny the Soviet Union landing rights at airports in the region where Russian planes might refuel.[6]

1961 to 1964 - U.S. Ambassador to Mauritania by President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

1961 to 1964 - U.S. Ambassador to Senegal by President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

1958 to 1961 - Professor of International Labor Relations at the School of International Service at American University

1955 to 1958 - Special Assistant to the Governor of New York W. Averell Harriman S&B 1913

1949 to 1953 - Assistant U.S. Secretary of Labor for International Affairs to Secretary Maurice J. Tobin (Knights of Columbus. Moose. Foresters. Died heart attack in office. Age 52[2]) by President Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

1944 to 1946 - Chief of Planning Staff, Foreign Economic Administration by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason)

1942 to 1944 - Chief of the Project Operations Staff, Board of Economic Warfare by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason)

1939 to 1942 - Federal Reserve, Economist to the Board of Governors.

Died 24 May 2007, from Pneumonia. Age 93

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - FYI - Wiki - Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936)

[3] - U.S. Gov. History - Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936)

[4] - - Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936)

[5] - - Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936)

[6] - - Obituaries - Philip Mayer Kaiser (Rhodes 1936)

[7] - Maurice J. Tobin - Knights of Columbus. Moose. Foresters. Died heart attack in office. Age 52

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