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Archibald Bulloch Roosevelt, Jr. (Rhodes 1939)

Groton School. Harvard University. Magadalen College, Oxford University, Rhodes Scholar.

Grandson of former U.S. President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason).

Author: For Lust of Knowing: Memoirs of an Intelligence Officer

Throughout [Archilbold’s] Roosevelt’s life, he pursued an interest in languages. A Latin and Greek scholar when he was a boy, he had a speaking or reading knowledge of perhaps 20 languages, including French, Spanish, German, Russian, Arabic, Hebrew, Swahili and Uzbek. [8]

2019, NY Times, How a Chase Bank Chairman Helped the Deposed Shah of Iran Enter the U.S.[in 1979][7] … Crowded aboard [Gulfstream II jet] were a Republican political operative, a retinue of Iranian military officers, four smelly and hyperactive dogs and Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, the newly deposed shah of Iran.[7]

Yet as the jet touched down, the only one waiting to receive the deposed monarch was a senior executive of Chase Manhattan Bank, which had not only lobbied the White House to admit the former shah but had arranged visas for his entourage, searched out private schools and mansions for his family and helped arrange the Gulfstream to deliver him.[7]

“The Eagle has landed,” Joseph V. Reed Jr., the chief of staff to the bank’s chairman, David Rockefeller, declared in a celebratory meeting at the bank the next morning.[7]

Less than two weeks later, on Nov. 4, 1979, vowing revenge for the admission of the shah to the United States, revolutionary Iranian students seized the American Embassy in Tehran and then held more than 50 Americans — and Washington — hostage for 444 days.[7. Note this incident, helped Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) and VP George H.W. Bush S&B 1948 win the next Presidential election.]

The shah, Washington’s closest ally in the Persian Gulf, had fled Tehran in January 1979 in the face of a burgeoning uprising against his 38 years of iron-fisted rule. Liberals, leftists and religious conservatives were rallying against him. Strikes and demonstrations had shut down Tehran, and his security forces were losing control.[7]

The shah sought refuge in America. But President Jimmy Carter (Gridiron. Trilateral Commission), hoping to forge ties to the new government rising out of the chaos and concerned about the security of the United States Embassy in Tehran, refused him entry for the first 10 months of his exile. Even then, the White House only begrudgingly let him in for medical treatment.[7]

Now, a newly disclosed secret history from the offices of Mr. Rockefeller shows in vivid detail how Chase Manhattan Bank and its well-connected chairman worked behind the scenes to persuade the Carter administration to admit the shah, one of the bank’s most profitable clients. For Mr. Carter, for the United States and for the Middle East it was an incendiary decision. The ensuing hostage crisis enabled Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini to consolidate his theocratic rule, started a four-decade conflict between Washington and Tehran that is still roiling the region and helped Ronald Reagan take the White House.[7]

Mr. Rockefeller’s team called the campaign Project Eagle, after the code name used for the shah. Exploiting clubby networks of power stretching deep into the White House, Mr. Rockefeller mobilized a phalanx of elder statesmen.[7]

They included Henry A. Kissinger, the former secretary of state and the chairman of a Chase advisory board; John J. McCloy[CFR], the former commissioner of occupied Germany after World War II and an adviser to eight presidents as well as a future Chase chairman; a Chase executive and former C.I.A. agent, Archibald B. Roosevelt Jr.[Rhodes], whose cousin, the C.I.A. agent Kermit Roosevelt Jr., had orchestrated a 1953 coup to keep the shah in power; and Richard M. Helms, a former director of the C.I.A. and former ambassador to Iran.[7]

1975 to 1990 - Vice President and Director of International Relations at Chase Manhattan Bank. [David Rockefeller, Chairman and CEO of Chase Manhatten Bank between 1969 and 1981]

After retiring from the CIA in 1974, Roosevelt (Rhodes 1939) became a Vice President of Chase Manhattan Bank, and a director of international relations in its Washington office. In this position he became an associate of the bank’s chairman, David Rockefeller and accompanied him as an adviser on his regular travels to Middle Eastern countries.

America’s Great Game - CIA Arabists:[6]

Kermit “Kim” Roosevelt Jr: Chief of CIA covert operations in the Middle East. Grandon of Theodore (TR), son of the businessman and explorer Kermit Roosevelt Sr. and Bele Willard Roosevelt, and husband of Mary “Polly” Gaddis.[6]

Archibold B. Roosevelt Jr (Rhodes 1939) - Expert on the Middle east but beaton out to the role of covert operations chief by his counsin Kim. Married first to Katherine Winthrop “K W” Tweed, then Selwa “Lucky” Showker, [6] chief of Protocol at the State Department.[8]

Miles A. Copeland Jr - Alabaman friend of the Roosevelt cousins, Kim’s lieutenant in CIA, and later author of controversail books abou intelligence. Married Lorraine Adie.[6]

America’s Great Game - Their Predessors, the OSS Arabists:[6] (edited, list is longer!)

William A. Eddy - Lebanon-born, marine, scholar, intelligence officer, and American minister to Saudi Arabia, he blazed the CIA’s trail in the Arab world.[6]

Harold B. Hoskins: Eddy’s counsin; a businessman and diplomat who also pioneered American intelligence in the Middel East during WW2.[6]

Stephen B.L. Penrose Jr: Educator and chief of the OSS Station in Cairo.[6]

Rudyard Kipling - Bard of the British Empire and Roosevelt family fried who novel Kim inspired later generations of intelligence officers, in cluding the CIA[6] Arabists.

T.E. Lawrence “Lawrence of Arabia”, the British army officer who liaised with the Arb Revolt of WW1 and fired the imaginations of the Roosevelt counsins…[6]

1949 to 1950 - Chief of Near East section, Voice of America

1947 to 1974 - CIA agent.

Died 31 May 1990, from Not Known. Age 72.

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - - Archibold Bulloch Roosevelt Jr (Rhodes 1939)

[3] - FYI - Wiki - Archibold Bulloch Roosevelt Jr (Rhodes 1939)

[4] - Sold Out? US Foreign Policy, Iraq, the Kurds, and the Cold War (Middle East Today) 2015th Edition by Bryan R. Gibson

[5] - For Lust of Knowing: Memoirs of an Intelligence Officer Hardcover – 1 Feb. 1988 by Archie Roosevelt

[6] - America’s great game : the CIA’s secret Arabists and the shaping of the modern Middle East by Wilford, Hugh, 1965

[7] 29 Dec 2019, NY Times - How a Chase Bank Chairman Helped the Deposed Shah of Iran Enter the U.S. The fateful decision in 1979 to admit Mohammed Reza Pahlavi prompted the seizure of the American Embassy in Tehran and helped doom the Carter presidency.

[8] - THE PASSING OF ARCHIBALD ROOSEVELT, JR. — (BY J.Y. SMITH) (Extension of Remarks - June 07, 1990). HON. MARY ROSE OAKAR in the House of Representatives WEDNESDAY, JUNE 6, 1990

[9] - Father - Archibald Roosevelt

[10] - FYI - Rockefeller, Murror, Roosevelt & His African Safari, Taft

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