Benjamin Harrison.jpg

Benjamin Harrison (Phi Delta Theta)

Whig (before 1856). Republican (1856 to 1901). Politician. Brevet Brigadier General. Farmers College. Miami University.

Masonic status is unknown, however a hidden hand is used in the above photograph.

17 Jan 1893 - Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii is deposed.[8]

1892 - Ellis Island opened in Upper New York Bay as a federal immigration inspection station.[8]

1892 - Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel-fueled internal combustion engine - the Diesel engine.[8]

1892 - The 1892 Homestead Steel Strike near Pittsburgh.[8]

1892 - Chile: US Relations with Chile deteriorate to such an extent that war is only just averted.[8]

1891 - The rise of Populism and the formation of the Populist Party by the American farmers.[8]

1891 - Jesse W. Reno invented the escalator.[8]

3 Mar 1891 - Nine Circuit Courts of Appeals are established relieving the pressure placed on the Supreme Court.[8]

1891 - Land Revision Act - which created the National Forset System (Sierra Nevada in the Squoia National Forest, California. Rain Forest in the El Yunque National Foreset, Putero Rico. Mount Hood National Forest, Oregon. Alledgheny National Forest, Pennsylvania)

1 Oct 1890 - Tarriff Act (by To be President, William McKinley. The tarrif raised the average duty on imports by almost fifty percent). Replaced in 1894 by the Wilson-Gorman Tarrif Act which lowered the tariff rates.[2]

1890 - Sherman Antitrust Act.[5]

3 Dec 1889 - Dependent Pension Bill is passed, providing benefits to Union veterans and their families. This action was later called the “Billion Dollar Congress” as the law cost the government over a billion dollars.[8]

1889 - Skyscrapers: George Fuller (1851-1900) built the Tacoma Building in 1889 using Bessemer steel beams.[8]

1889 - Between 1889 and 1890 North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Washington, Idaho and Wyoming join the Union.[8]

1889 - He adopted a program for Expansion of the Navy (1889 - 1901).[8]

4 Mar 1889 to 4 Mar 1893 - President of the United States (VP: Levi P. Morton)

4 Mar 1881 to 3 Mar 1887 - United States Senator from Indiana.

Died 13 Mar 1901, peneumonia. Age 67.

Battles: American Civil War.

Note: Grandson of the ninth president, William Henry Harrison. He was also a great-grandson of Benjamin Harrison V, a founding father.

Andrew D. White (S&B 1853)
1892 to 1894 - U.S. Minister to the Russian Empire

William Howard Taft (S&B 1878)
1890 to 1892 - Solicitor General of the United States

Henry Warren Raymond (S&B 1869)
1889 to 1893 - Private Secretary to the U.S. Secretary of the Navy to Benjamin F. Tracy (to Benjamin Harrison)

William Walter Phelps (S&B 1860)
1889 to 1893 - U.S. Minister to the German Empire

Ellis Henry Roberts (S&B 1850)
1889 to 1893 - Assistant Treasurer of the U.S.

Eugene Schuyler (S&B 1859)
1889 to 1890 - U.S. Consul General in Egypt

Walker Blaine (S&B 1876)
1889 to 1890 - Solicitor of the Department of State.(Secretary of State, father James G. Blaine to President Benjamin Harrison). Examiner of Claims in the State Department.

J. Augustus Johnson
1870 to 1890 - U.S. Consul - Beruit and Syria by President Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Chester A. Arthur, Grover Cleveland and Bejamin Harrison.(Son … Barclay Johnson (S&B 1882))

[0] - - Benjamin Harrison

[1] - - Benjamin Harrison

[2] - FYI - Wiki - McKinley Tarrif

[3] - FYI - Wiki - Benjamin Harrison

[4] - - Benjamin Harrison

[5] - Eustace Mullins - Secrets of The Federal Reserve (FULL) - Sherman Anti Trust Act

[6] - Find a - Benjamin Harrison

Benjamin Harrison. 1889-93. 23rd President. He was the grandson of the 8th President William H. Harrison. Unknown Masonic status. His administration is remembered most for economic legislation, including the McKinley Tariff and the Sherman Antitrust Act, and for annual federal spending that reached one billion dollars for the first time. Democrats attacked the “Billion Dollar Congress.” They used the issue, along with the growing unpopularity of the high tariff, to defeat the Republicans, in both the 1890 mid-term elections and in Harrison’s bid for re-election in 1892. Harrison advocated, although unsuccessfully, for federal education funding and legislation to protect voting rights for African Americans. He also saw the admittance of six states into the Union.

[8] - - Benjamin Harrison

[9] - - Benjamin Harrison

[10] - Book - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[11] - Book - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

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