Educational advisor to President Ronald Reagan (Bohmenian. Freemason) / VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948).
Daughter and Granddaughter of Skull and Bonesmen.
Author of the “Deliberate Dumbing Down of America”.
Charlotte leaked the names of Skull and Bones membership to Professor Antony C. Sutton. This allowed Professor Antony C. Sutton to analyse their connections, strategies and ideology …
Modus Operandi Of The Order (aka Skull and Bones) are directed towards changing our society, -hanging the world, to bring about a New World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or culteral distinction.[2,p36]
[2] - America’s secret establishment: an introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones
[3] - American by Charlotte Iserbyt
[4] - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of
[5] - - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt (1999)
[6] - - Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt