Important Interview with Norman Dodd - 2nd Chief Investigator to the Reece Committee investigation into Tax Exempt Foundations.

1982, Norman Dodd interview by G. Edward Griffin[1].

The interview covers the Great Depression, Reece Committee and its findings that include a) foundations working under a White House directive to merge the United States with Soviet Union under a communist regime, b) Carnegie Endowment for International Peace conspiracy to maximise profits through war (WW1) and that c) the Carnegie Foundation conspired with the Guggenheim and Rockefeller Foundations to alter the manner in which this subject [history] is presented (rewrite of history).

Video - Norman Dodd Thumb.jpg

[1] - Interview Video - Norman Dodd on Tax Exempt Foundations.

Dodd’s manager, Thomas Cochran S&B 1894 (J.P.MORGAN), commissioned an internal report to be headed by Dodd into the cause of the Great Depression.

Dodd told the banks’ executive management that the industry needed to return to sound banking practices. He was subsequently told by Thomas Cochran S&B 1894 that the banking system would NOT be returning to sound banking practices. Norman Dodd resigned and found the doors to the banking world closed to him.

Later, he was called to become the 2nd Chief Investigator of the Reece Committee (after the 1st, Edward Cox had a heart attack!) that was required to investigate Tax Exempt Foundations.

Note: the Reece Committee was established after foundations were found to be acting against the U.S. Capitalist interests. It’s allegeded that the Institute for Pacific Relations (IPR) was discovered to be giving guns to the Chinese Communists. Hence we have the CCP today! Congress was terrified that a U.S. foundation was aiding communism … Research Hegelian Dialect.

Research funding of the WallStreet and the Bolshevik Revolution, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler and the Best Enemy Money Can Buy by Professor A. C. Sutton.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Norman Dodd … A confidential message was sent to President Wilson, ‘that the War (WW1) not end too quickly.’[1 - 55min20sec]

If they could get control of education in the United States, they would be able to prevent a return to away of life as it had been prior to the war (WW1). And they recruited the Rockefeller Foundation to assist in such as the monumental task’.

According to Dodd, they divided the task in parts, giving to the Rockefeller Foundation the responsibility of alterating education as it pertains to domestic subjects. But Carnegie retained the task of altering our education for Foriegn affairs and international relations.

The foundations decided that the most effective method of achieving this goal was by changing American history, so they awarded grants, fellowships and scholarships to those professors and historians who would rewrite American history and promote one world’ism, human’ism and social’ism. By 1930’s the well laid plans had reached fruition and a Reece committee staff report concluded:

** 1) There had been a non-bloody revolution in American between 1933 and 1936.

2) There was a certain few foundations that had funded efforts to change the beliefs of the American people through education and by propoganda’.

3) That these revolution changes had been accepted without resistance.”[1 - 57min20secs] **

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - details

Carnegie Institution of Washington - details

Search mind map … Edward Cox and Charlotte Iserbyt (Author of ‘The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America’. Charlottes’ father and grandfather were members of the Skull and Bones)

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