Doremus Scudder_sandb1880.jpg

Doremus Scudder (S&B 1880)

Ministry. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Delta Kappa. He Boule. Psi Upsilon.

Member American Economic and American Historical associations, American Academy of Political and Social Science, Royal Economic Society (London), Commission on American Relations with Japan of the Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America (1914), and Claremont Community Church.[4]

Author Our Children for Christ (1899) and The Passion for Reality (1910).[4]

Corporate member American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.[4]

Editor-in-chief The Friend (Honolulu) 1904-16 and Far Eastern editor 1917, on editorial board Open Forum 1924-42, D D Whitman College 1898, secretary Yale Alumni Association of Japan 1917, Vice-President Yale Club of Boston 1921-22;

1922 to 1942 - Minister at large residing in Claremont, Calif.[4]

1920 to 1922 - Greater Boston Federation of Churches.[4]

1919 to 1920 - Executive Secretary Hawaiian Mission Centennial.[4]

WW1 - Oct 1918 Jul 1919 - Assimilated rank of Major, American Red Cross.[4] Executive secretary Siberian Commission, American Red Cross, and later director Civilian Relief for Eastern and Western Siberia,

1916 to 1918 - Union Church, Tokyo, Japan.[4]

1909 to 1915, Vice-President, 1915 to 1916, President of board of Managers Mid-Pacific Institute.[4]

1907 to 1916 - Minister Central Union Church, Honolulu.[4]

1904 to 1907 - Superintendent and Secretary of all Congregational missions in Hawaii under Hawaiian Evangelical Association.[4]

1902 to 1904 - Superintendent of mission work among Japanese in Hawaii.[4]

1895 to 1901 - First Congregational Church, Woburn, Mass.[4]

1892 to 1895 - East Congregational Church, Brooklyn.[4]

1890 to 1892 - Minister Workers’ (now Doremus) Church, Chicago.[4]

1885 - Ordained in Kobe, stationed in Nugata 1885 to 1889.[4]

1884 to 1889 - Medical missionary in Japan under American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.[4]

1884 - Interne Mercy Hospital, Chicago.[4]

1882 to 1884 - Northwestern University Medical School (MD 1884).[4]

1881 to 1882 - College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University.[4]

1880 to 1882 - Attended Union Theological Seminary.[4]

1880 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 23 Jul 1942, from Cerebral Hemorrhage. Age 81.[2]

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley


[4] - Yale Obituary - Page 11

[5] - Amazon - Book - Passion Relaity Classic Reprint

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