Edgar Turlington_rhodes1911.jpg

Edgar Turlington (Rhodes 1911)

Lawyer. Gov. Official. Rhodes Scholar, University of Oxford

Vice President of the Society.[2]

Honary Editor of the American Journal of International Law. [2]

Chairman of a Special Committee to Study the Policies and Procedures of the American Society of International Law.[2]

1944 to 1945 - Chairman, District of Columbia branch, Commission to Study the Organization of Peace.[4]

1935 to 1942 - Member of the advisory commission, Harvard Research in International Law.[4]

1935 to 1938 - Chief Counsel of the Special Commission on Mexican Claims by Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason).[4]

1930 to 1932 - Legal Adviser to the U.S. Ambassador to Cuba, Ambassador Harry Frank Guggenheim (Member of the 1st Yale Unit by F. Truee Davison S&B 1918) 3rd Marriage to Alicia Patterson, daughter of Joseph Medill Patterson S&K 1902) by President Herbert Hoover (Bohemian)[4]

1925 - Assistant Chief, Division of Near Eastern Affairs.[4]

1923 - Legal adviser to the American delegation at the Conference on Near Eastern Affairs at Lausanne and to the American high commissioner in Constantinople, Turkey.[4]

1920 to 1925 - Assistant Solicitor of the State Department to 1st Under Secretary and Secretary Frank Polk S&K, Bainbridge Colby (Freemason), Charles Evans Hughes (Delta Upsilon. Brother-in-law Walter Frederick Carter S&B 1895), Frank B. Kellogg (Freemason) by President Woodrow Wilson (Col. Edward M. House), Warren G. Harding (Freemason) and Calvin Coolidge[4]

1917 to 1920 - Joined the Department of State, where he was a Special Assistant to Secretary, Robert Lansing (The Pilgrams) by President Woodrow Wilson (Col. Edward M. House)

1911 to ? - Rhodes Scholar, College, University of Oxford.

Died 27 Sep 1959, from Not Known. Age 68

Married Catherine Hackett Turlington.

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - Edgar Turlington October 24, 1891-September 27, 1959 by Herbert W. Briggs (Oct 1959)

[3] - Find a Grave - Edgar Turlington (Rhodes 1911)

[4] - Geni.com - Edgar Turlington (Rhodes 1911)

[5] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[6] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

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