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Edward Teller

B Team Member. MJ-12. Physics (Theoretical), George Washington University, University of Göttingen, Bohr Institute, University College London, University of Chicago, Florida Institute of Technology, University of California Davis, University of California Berkeley, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Hoover Institution, ‘One of the Martians’. Search mind map Martians.

Note: Sponsored the educaton of Dan Burisch a Microbiologist (worked at Area 51 S4. JRod. Dan also became a MJ-12 Member.)

Mar 1983 - Teller convinced President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) of the feasibility of the Star Wars project , which lead to the ground- and space Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) based systems to protect the United States from attack by strategic nuclear ballistic missiles. Research William Tompkins who worked for Admiral Rico Botta and contributed to Solar Warden.

1975 - Retired from both the Lab and Berkley, and was named Director Emeritus of the Livermore Labatory and appointed Senior Research Fellow at the Hoover Institute.

1963 - Established the Department of Applied Science at the University of California, Davis and LLNL.

1963 - Opposed the Test-ban treaty.

1960 to 1975 - Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, United States.[0]

1960 to 1970 - Professor-at-large, University of California, Berkeley, California, United States.[0]

1958 to 1960 - Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, United States.[0]

1958 - Operation Plowshare. Atomic Energy Commission accepted Teller’s proposal to use hydrogen bombs to dig deep-water harbor. However harbor was ice-bound for nine months of the year. Project Oilsands was a proposal to extract oil in northeren Alberta with nuclear explosions. Question: Strange, what’s the real project or intent here ?

1957 - One of the first prominent people to raise the danger of climate change, driven by the burning of fossil fields.

1954 to 1958 - Associate Director, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California, United States.[0]

1954 - The following year Teller was a key witness against his colleague Robert Oppenheimer, who because of his objection to the Hydrogen bomb was considered a security risk. Unlike Oppenheimer, Teller disagreed with the idea that a scientist should consider the morale implications of research…

…At the U.S. government hearings to determine whether Oppenheimer was a security risk, Teller’s testimony was decidedly unsympathetic to his former chief. “I would feel personally more secure,” he told the inquiry board, “if public matters would rest in other hands.” After the hearings’ end, Oppenheimer’s security clearance was revoked, and his career as a science administrator was at an end. Although Teller’s testimony was by no means the decisive factor in this outcome, many prominent American nuclear physicists never forgave him for what they viewed as his betrayal of Oppenheimer.

1953 to 1960 - Professor of physics , University of California, Berkeley, California, United States.[0]

Teller and his colleagues at Los Alamos made little actual progress in designing a workable thermonuclear device until early in 1951, when the physicist Stanislaw Marcin Ulam proposed to use the mechanical shock of an atomic bomb to compress a second fissile core and make it explode; the resulting high density would make the burning of the second core’s thermonuclear fuel much more efficient. Teller in response suggested that radiation, rather than mechanical shock, from the atomic bomb’s explosion be used to compress and ignite the thermonuclear second core. Together these new ideas provided a firm basis for a fusion weapon, and a device using the Teller-Ulam configuration, as it is now known, was successfully tested at Enewetak atoll in the Pacific on November 1, 1952; it yielded an explosion equivalent to 10 million tons (10 megatons) of TNT. Teller was subsequently credited with developing the world’s first thermonuclear weapon, and he became known in the United States as “the father of the H-bomb.” Ulam’s key role in conceiving the bomb design did not emerge from classified government documents and other sources until nearly three decades after the event.[0]

1952 - Teller was instrumental in the creation of the United States’ second nuclear weapons laboratory, the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, in Livermore, California.[0]

(Federal research, aka “The Dark Heart of Weapons Research”, which included Stratospheric Aerosol Injection [SAI] = United Nations IPCC = Chem Trails to cool and warm the earth (glass house effect) including Aluminium, Barium (Ba) - and Strontium (Sr) ). A 2011 air survey in Los Angeles showed that the amount of Barium was 1,376 parts per million which is 688 times the maximum contaminent limit. Aluminium was over 10,000 times the maximum contaminent limit. (See American Scientific Laboratories, LLC 2011)

1946 to 1952 - Researcher, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico, United States.[0]

1946 - Teller accepted a position with the Institute for Nuclear Studies at the University of Chicago but returned to Los Alamos as a consultant for extended periods. The Soviet Union’s explosion of an atomic bomb in 1949 made him more determined that the United States have a hydrogen bomb, but the Atomic Energy Commission’s general advisory committee, which was headed by Oppenheimer, voted against a crash program to develop one. The debate was settled by the confession of the British atomic scientist Klaus Fuchs that he had been spying for the Soviet Union since 1942. Fuchs had known of the American interest in a hydrogen bomb and had passed along early American data on it to the Soviets. In response, Pres. Harry Truman ordered the go-ahead on the weapon, and Teller laboured on at Los Alamos to make it a reality.[0]

WW2 - 1942 to 1945 - Los Almos Laboratory, Manhattan Project.(Atomic bomb). Overseen by Harvey Hollister Bundy (S&B 1909) who was an assistant to the Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888).

By 1941 Teller had taken out U.S. citizenship and joined Enrico Fermi’s team at the University of Chicago in the epochal experiment to produce the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction. Teller then accepted an invitation from the University of California, Berkeley, to work on theoretical studies on the atomic bomb with J. Robert Oppenheimer; and when Oppenheimer set up the secret Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in New Mexico in 1943, Teller was among the first men recruited. Although the Los Alamos assignment was to build a fission bomb, Teller digressed more and more from the main line of research to continue his own inquiries into a potentially much more powerful thermonuclear hydrogen fusion bomb. At war’s end he wanted the U.S. government’s nuclear weapons development priorities shifted to the hydrogen bomb. Hiroshima, however, had had a profound effect on Oppenheimer and other Manhattan Project scientists, and few had the desire to continue in nuclear weapons research.[0]

1941 to 1945 - Researcher, University of Chicago.[0]

1937 - At George Washington University, Teller predicted the Jahn-Teller effect, which distorts molecules in certain situations; his affects the chemical reactions of metals, and in particular the coloration of certain metallic dyes.

1935 to 1941 - Lecturer, George Washington University, Washington D.C., United States.[0]

During the years of the Weimar Republic, Teller was absorbed with atomic physics, first studying under Niels Bohr in Copenhagen and then teaching at the University of Göttingen (1931–33). In 1935 Teller and his bride, Augusta Harkanyi, went to the United States, where he taught at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Together with his colleague George Gamow, he established new rules for classifying the ways subatomic particles can escape the nucleus during radioactive decay. Following Bohr’s stunning report on the fission of the uranium atom in 1939 and inspired by the words of Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt, who had called for scientists to act to defend the United States against Nazism, Teller resolved to devote his energies to developing nuclear weapons.[0]

1931 to 1933 - Lecturer , University of Göttingen, Gottingen, Germany.[0]

1930 - University of Leipzig , Ph.D.[0]

University of Karlsruhe.[0]

Minta (Model) Gymnasium.[0]

Fasori Lutheran Gymnasium.[0]

Died 9 Sep 2003, from stroke two days before. Age 95. Event + 39y9m19d (14,537 days)

[0] - Prabook.com - Edward Teller

[1] - FYI - Wiki - Edward Teller

[2] - Video - J. Robert Oppenheimer: “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

[3] - Video - Edge of Wonder - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

[4] - Video - SPACE THREAT? 25 Scientists Dead Under Suspicious Causes

[5] - Video - Truthstream media - FYI - The Real Reason Weather IS Manipulated

[6] - Video - Phil Schneider - Presentation/Testimony - referencing SDI

[7] - Book - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[8] - Book - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[9] - Ron Garner Deathbed Reel 1 YT

[10] - Ron Garner Deathbed Reel 2 YT

[11] - Bob Lazar reference 3min40se - 1 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, Alien Disclosure and Area 51

[12] - 2 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, Documentary Highlights of Major Events in the Life

[13] - 3 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, Thru the Looking Glass

[14] - 4 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, The ET Saga at Area 51

[15] - 5 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, Area 51 S 4 Biocontainment Lab

[16] - 6 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, The Real X Files Part 1 of 2

[17] - 7 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, The Real X Files Part 2 of 2

[18] - 9 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, Whistle Blowers Area 51 Insiders

[19] - 10 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, Area 51 Whistle Blowers Series Part 1 of 2

[20] - 11 of 12 The Military UFO Files of C Ron Garner, Area 51 Whistle Blowers Series Part 2 of 2

[21] - 12 of 12 The Military UFO Files of Ron Garner, Project Aquarius, Black Ops Term for Everything UFO

[22] - Dan Burisch - Part 1: STARGATE SECRETS

[23] - Dan Burisch - Part 2: STARGATE SECRETS

[24] - Sirius Disclosure - Re-Engineering an ET Craft - references J-Rod

[25] - 11 Jun 1985, President Diary Entry….President Regean diary entry on 11 Jun 1985 after a meeting, reveales a space shuttle capacity for 300 people.

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