Edwards Denmore Robbins (S&B 1874)
Yale University. Skull and Bones. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Kappa Sigma Epsilon. Alpha Sigma Phi. Phi Theta Psi. Phi Beta Kappa.
1926 to 1932 - Special Counsel for Connecticut State Insurance Department.[3]
1911 to 1922 - Trustee of Connecticut College for Women.[4]
12 Feb 1908 - Married, in Hartford, Charlotte Eleonora,daughter of Egbert Phelps and Harriet Clara (Maynard) Swan.Children. Harriet Welles (B.A. Vassar 1931; student in Yale Graduate School 1932-33) and Edward Denmore, Jr., ‘33.
1907 to 1914 - General Counsel of New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad.[3]
1906 to 1907, Connecticut counsel for New York.[4]
1899 to 1903 - Professor of General and Medical Jurisprudence at Yale University.[3]
1896 to 1900 - Lecturer on medical jurisprudence at Yale.[4]
1896 - author- Phonetics for Schools.[4]
1890 to 1923 - Member of Connecticut State Bar Examining Committee.[3] 1884 to 1919 - Member of Connecticut State Board of Education.[3] 1882 to 1883 - Member of the Connecticut State House of Representatives.[3]
1881 to 1907 - Practiced law in Hartford.[4] 1880 to 1881 - Traveled abroad.[4]
1879 - LL.B. Yale.[3] ( John Addison Porter prize )
1879 to 1880 - Tutor in Latin and logic at Yale.[4] 1877 to 1879 - Tutor in Latin at Yale and in Latin.[4] 1875 to 1877 - Douglas fellow at Yale and also Clark scholar 1875-76.[4] 1874 to 1875 - Traveled abroad and studied at University of Jena.[4]
1874 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]
Died 7 Oct 1932, from Arteriosclerotic Heart Disease. Age 48.
[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen
[4] - Yale Obituary - Page 21 (on the page 25)
[6] - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt