Eugene Lamb Richards_sandb1885.jpg

Eugene Lamb Richards (S&B 1885)

Law. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Eta Phi. Psi Upsilon. Chi Delta Theta. Phi Beta Kappa.

Former president Staten Island Cricket Club; member Christ (Episcopal) Church, New Brighton, Staten Island.[4] Member New York State Bar Association, New York County Lawyers’ Association, and Richmond County Bar Association, President 1909 to 1912.[4] President of Democratic Club in borough of Richmond three years.[4]

Member of committee on character for admission of applicants to the bar of the Supreme Court of New York, 2d Judicial District.[4]

1914 to 1917 - WW1 - Superintendent of banks of state of New York [4] (Just after the Federal Reserve Act is signed on 23 Dec 1913.).[4]

1911 to 1913 - Counsel to Conservation Commission of New York and to impeachment managers in the impeachment of Governor Sulzer 1913.[4]

Since 1924 - Chairman of Executive Committee of Trust Company of North America.[4]

1924 - Member of local committee of New York in connection with reestablishment of Hopkins Grammar School.[4]

Since 1919 - Director of South Shore Bank of Staten Island, trustee of Empire City Savings Bank.[4]

1909 - Trustee and Commissioner of Hudson Fulton Celebration Commission and president of the local committee during the celebration;

1908 - A Presidential elector.[4] (William Howard Taft (S&B 1878) won)

1906 to 1908 - Counsel to Mayor George B. McClellan.[4]

1906 - mentioned as a possible candidate for a justice of New York Supreme Court.[4]

1904 - Organized the Parker Club, and was later leader of Democratic Party in Richmond County, serving as chairman of general committee in Richmond-Rockland District;

About 1898 - Representative of most important creditors in prosecutions arising from failure of American Casualty Company of Baltimore.[4]

1896 to 1898 - Deputy General of State of New York and at the same time counsel to New York state insurance department; during that period participated in a notable campaign against fraudulent insurance companies, forcing over one hundred companies out of business.[4]

Began independent practice.[4]

18 Jun 1892 - Married Florence Whittier, daughter of Dr Martin Ephraim Dupuy Elmendorf and Mary (Eells) Elmendorf Children: Diana Elmendorf, the wife of Eugene W vanC Lucas, B.S. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1916, and Eugene Lamb, 3d, a former member of the Yale Class of 1929.[4]

During his course there also studied in office of Alexander & Green; upon his admission to the bar in 1886, became managing clerk for that firm and remained as such until 1891, when the law firm of Janeway, Thacher & Richards was formed, member of that firm until 1896

1885 to 1887 - Studied at Columbia Law School.[4]

1885 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 17 Sep 1927, from Tuberculosis. Age 63.[4]

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen

[4] - Yale Obituary - Page 100

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