Henry Stanford Brooks_sandb1885.jpg

Henry Stanford Brooks (S&B 1885)

Columbia University School of Law. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Eta Phi. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Yale Corporation.

Member Committee on Co-ordination of Salaries and Wages of Bell System and of General Benefit Fund Committee.[4] Trustee Child Welfare Association of Westchester County, adviser to Berkshire School Farm.[4] Served the University Track Association throughout his life as member of Graduate Advisory Committee.[4] Contributed articles on athletics to magazines and an article, “The Spirit of Alumni Giving,” printed in Manual of Alumni Work (1924).[4]

Since retirement had made his winter home at Grey House, Ardsley-on-Hudson, and his summer home at T’other House, Woodstock.[4]

1924 - Established special fund to be used in defraying expenses of international competition or toward any other track expenses, especially property development.[4]

1919 to 1923 - Governor Yale Publishing Association.[4]

1919 to 1922 - Member of council University Club, New York City.[4]

1918 to 1930 - Serving successively as district super-intendent, division superintendent, assistant general superintendent, general commercial superintendent, and assistant vice-president in charge of personnel, operating vice-president and director 195 Broadway Corporation and 205 Broadway Corporation.[4]

1918 - MA Hon, Yale.[4]

WW1 - Had charge of distribution and assignment of lease wires (domestic and foreign).[4]

Married Clara Warren Vail, daughter of Henry Hobart Vail and Minerva Elizabeth (Hewitt) Vail.

Since 1902 - Governor and secretary executive committee the Boys Club of New York.[4]

Since 1898, Agent, 1911 to 1938, Director of the Fund, 1916 to 1918, Chairman, Alumni Fund agent for 1885.[4]

1892 until retirement in 1930 - Associated with American Telephone & Telegraph Company.[4]

1892 - Practiced independently for a short time.[4]

1888 to 1892 - Managing clerk Wetmore & Jenner.[4]

1886 to 1888 - Clerk Alexander & Green, Admitted to the bar 1888.[4]

1886 to 1888 - Attended Columbia University School of Law (LL B 1888).[4]

1885 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 27 Jul 1938, from pulmonary turbculosis. Age 73.

Father, Henry S Brooks (Royal School of Mines, University of London), mining engineer and mine owner in San Francisco, son of HenryBrooks of London Mother, Margaret Armstrong (Gibson) Brooks.[4]

The Yale Corporation, in recording its sorrow at the death of MrBrooks, paid tribute to his loyalty and devotion to the University as follows “The representative of his Class in the work of the Yale AlumniUniversity Fund Association from 1898 until the day of his death, he inspired his classmates with his own enthusiasm for cooperating withthe University year after year in the carrying forward of its educationalprogram Chairman of the Association from 1916 to 1918 in the troubledyears of the World War, he as effectively enlisted the support of Yalegraduates generally in the work of the Alumni Fund and thus saved theUniversity from being seriously crippled when its income was so dras-tically curtailed by the enlistment of so many of its undergraduates in theservice of their country. The Yale Alumni Fund Association and theUniversity it was founded to serve are alike under an enduring debt ofgratitude to him for the inspiring example set by him in his unselfish anduntiring efforts to safeguard the welfare of Yale, which was ever close tohis heart”.[4]

It was characteristic of Mr Brooks that his will contained a bequest tothe “sinking fund of the Yale Alumni University Fund Association”.[4]

Frederic Augustus Stevenson (S&B 1888) - 1893 until retirement in 1929 - Associated with American Telephone & Telegraph Company (1893 to 1899, superintendent Chicago district , 1899 to 1907, special agent, 1908 to 1918, general superintendent New York City, 1919 to 1927, director long lines department ,1927 to 1929, assistant vice-president ), member operating board US

[1] - Book - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Book - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen] https://the-eye.eu/public/concen.org/Americas%20Secret%20Establishment%20Skull%20%26%20Bones%20Society%20322%20%5Bpack%5D/docs/Skull%20and%20Bones%20Membership%20List.pdf

[4] - Yale Obituary

[5] - S&B Obituaries

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