Walter Chauncey Camp (S&B 1880)
Yale University. Skull and Bones. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Delta Kappa. He Boule. Yale Corporation.
Member Yale Committee for Participation in the Restoration of the Library of the University of Louvain (1924); Chairman Foreign Relations Committee of International Sports Club and member of its Rules Committee; member National Association of College Athletes, New Haven.[4]
Secretary Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee at time of death.[4]
Chapter of National Aeronautic Association, Court of Honor of Boy Scouts of America, and site committee of Army and Navy Club, New York City; delegate-at-large of Amateur Athletic Union (offered presidency, but declined it); delegate of New Haven Chamber of Commerce to Commercial Museum,
President, Treasurer, General Manager & Assistant Treasurer, New Haven Clock Company.[2]
WW1 - During World War served as Chairman of Athletic Division of Navy Commission on Training Camp Activities, as director of athletics for Naval Training Camps in all fifteen naval districts of the United States, as physical director for Air Service (placing trainers in some forty aviation camps), as civilian consultant to Surgeon General on physical fitness of aviators, and as advisor to Major Grenville Clark in establishing the S.A.T C ; investigated flying conditions in France and England, as well as in United States; acted with Conservation Commission at Washington (Finished Products Division), represented clock companies of United States as chairman of Clock Industry Division, War Service Board; chairman Committee on Physical Reserve, National Security League; organized Senior Service Corps in various communities (president of New Haven Corps); devised system of exercises for cabinet officers and civilian personnel in Washington out of which grew the “Daily Dozen” series, which he introduced in all naval stations and in several aviation and army cantonments, and which are still used in many large industrial organizations; served on Serbian Relief, Liberty Loan, and War Fund committees.[4]
Prior to 1915 - Chairman Intercollegiate Football Committee for many years.[4]
Visited Stanford University for three years to direct training of its football team and was enrolled as lecturer on athletics.[4]
1900 - Became Treasurer of Yale Field Corporation and later Chairman University Athletic Association, and as such served on University Council for some years.[4]
1900 - President of American Valuation Association, and a trustee of Hopkins Grammar School since 1900 (also treasurer at one time).[4]
Since 1898 - Director Peck Brothers of New Haven.[4]
1895 and its treasurer until 1914 - Founder of Yale Financial Union.[4]
about 1888 to 1914 - General athletic advisor and Head advisory Football Coach at Yale.[4]
30 Jun 1888 - Married Alice Graham, daughter of Thomas and Katharine (Mix) Sumner, and sister of William G. Sumner, ‘63. Children: Walter, Jr., ‘13, and Janet (Mrs. Hobson).[4]
1888 to 1912 - Member Yale University Athletic Committee for twenty years; Chairman Yale Football Committee.[4]
1880 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]
Died 14 Mar 1925, from Heart Failure. Age 65.[4]
[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen
[4] - S&B Obituaries - page 78
[5] - Skull and Bones Obiturary - shorts
[6] - FYI - Wiki - Walter Chauncey Camp (S&B 1880)