Henry Albert Stimson_sandb1865.jpg

Henry Albert Stimson (S&B 1865)

Ministry. Related to **Henry Lewis Stimson (S&B 1888. Secretary of War x 2 and State)**. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Brothers in Unity. Psi Upsilon. Phi Beta Kappa.

Corresponding member New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.[4]

Author:Religion and Business (1894), Questions of Modern Inquiry (1895), ‘The Apostles’ Creed (1899), the Right Life and How to Live It (1905), The New Things of God (1908), Behind the World and Beyond (1910), and While the War Rages (1915); editorial writer: The Commercial and Financial Chronicle 1920 to 30.[4]

Trustee Carleton College 1870-80, Drury 1886-93, Mount Holyoke since 1894 (honorary member 1928 to 1936), and HartfordTheological Seminary 1903 to 1919.[4]

WW1 - 1916 to 1917 - Acting professor of homiletics Hartford Theological Seminary ; D.D. Ripon College 1885 and Yale 1893; Litt.D. Mount Holyoke 1934.[4]

WW1 - 1915 to 1916 - President Phi Beta Kappa Society of New York.[4]

1908 to 1912 - President board of visitors Andover Theological Seminary.[4]

1907 to 1923 - President Congregational Board of Ministerial Relief.[4]

1901 to 1907 - Chairman board of Directors, Trustees of National Council of the Congregational Churches of the United States.[4]

1893 to 1896 - Pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle in New York City.[3]

Since 1887 - Honorary Vice-President American Tract Society.[4]

1886 to 1901 - Chairman National Council, Committee on Ministerial Relief.[4]

1871 to 1883 and 1893 to 1903 - Vice-President American Missionary Association.[4]

1869 to 1880 (ordained May 25, 1870) - Pastor Plymouth Congregational Church, Minneapolis, Minn.[4]

Since 1859 - Director American Bible Society (1908 to 1935 life member).[4]

1874 to 1879 - Director Chicago Theological Seminary.[4]

1886 to 1893 - Pastor of Pilgrim Church in St. Louis.[3]

1882 to 1886 - Member board of visitors Wellesley College.[4]

1896, Founder, until 1917, Pastor, Since 1917, Pastor Emeritus, Manhattan Congregational Church, New York City.[4]

1893 to 1896 - Broadway Tabernacle, New York City, [4]

1891, Lecturer Oberhn Theological Seminary, Andover 1900-04, Chicago 1902-03, Yale 1904-05.[4]

1886 to 1893 - Pilgrim Congregational Church, St. Louis,Mo.[4]

1880 to 1915 - Recording secretary American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.[4]

1880 to 1886 - Pastor Union Congregational Church,Worcester, Mass.[4]

19 Apr 1877 - Married, in Chicago, 111., Alice Wheaton, daughter of Samuel Colcord Bartlett (B.A. Dartmouth 1836; Graduate Andover Theological Seminary 1842, D.D. 1861; Litt.D. Princeton 1878; President Dartmouth 1877-92) and Mary Bacon (Learned) Bartlett.

Children: Alice Mary (B.A. Vassar 1901; died 1934), the wife of Wilson Fitch Smith (C.E. Columbia 1894); Major Julia Catherine Stimson,Army Nurse Corps (B.A. Vassar 1901; M.A. Washington University 1917; Sc.D. Mount Holyoke 1921); Lucile Hinkle (B.A. Vassar 1904.[4]M.A. Columbia 1906), the wife of Elbert A. Harvey (B.A. Marietta 1902); Henry Bartlett (B.A. 1907; LL.B. Harvard I910); Philip Moen(BJ. 1910; M.D. Cornell 1914); Dorothy (B.A. Vassar 191a; M.A.Columbia 1913, Ph.D. 1917; dean Goucher College); and Barbara Bartlett (B.A. Vassar 1919; M.D. Columbia 1923, Med.Sc,D. 1934).

1871 - Member of Commission on Indian Annuities, Redlake, Minn., 1871.[4]

1869 to 1880 - Pastor of Plymouth Church in Minneapolis.[3]

1867 to 1869 - Andover Theological Seminary (graduated 1869).[4]

1866 to 1867 - Attended Union Theological Seminary.[4]

1865 to 1866 - Traveled abroad.[4]

1865 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

1858 to 1862 - Clerk in drygoods firm of Morton, Grinnell & Company.[4]

Died 18 Jul 1936, age compicated by chronic myodcarditis. Age TBC

Survived by wife (died October27, 1937), four daughters, two sons, and ten grandchildren, among whom are Dr. Wilson Fitch Smith, Jr., ‘30, Shepherd Fitch Smith, ‘36,and Henry B. Stimson, Jr., ‘40.[4]

Father, Henry Clark Stimson, President Peoples Bank, Paterson N.J. Paterson & Dudson River Railroad, Paterson & Ramapo Railroad, and Dayton & Union of Ohio Railroad.Son of Rev. Henry Bowen Stimson (honorary M.A. Williams 1814) and Rebecca (Pond) Stimson of Windham, N.Y. Mother, Julia Maria (Atterbury) Stimson; daughterof Lewis and Catherine (Boudinot) Atterbury of Baltimore, Md., and New York City. Yale relatives include: Rev. John G. Atterbury(B.A. 1831) and Rev. William W. Atterbury (B.A. 1843) (uncles);Dr Lewis A. Stimson, ‘63, John Ward Stimson, ‘72, and Frederick J.Stimson, ‘77 (brothers); Theodore Weston, ‘53 (brother-in-law); Henry L. Stimson (S&B 1888), Frederick W. Weston, ‘99, J. Frank Stimson,ex-06, Alfred L. Loomis, ‘09, Frederick B. Stimson, ex-1, Boudinot Stimson, ex-‘2o, and Rev. William B. Stimson, ex-‘22 (nephews); and Charles L. Atterbury, ‘64, and William W. Atterbury, ‘86 S. (cousins).[4]

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen

[4] - Yale Obituary - Page 6

[5] - Henry B. Stimson, Jr., ‘40.[4]

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