John Marshall Harlan_Rhodes1920.jpg

John Marshall Harlan (Rhodes 1920)

Republican. New York Law School. Rhodes Scholar, University of Oxford. Princeton University.

Often characterized as a member of the conservative wing of the Warren [Freemason] Court.

After Harlan’s retirement, President Nixon [Bohemian] appointed William Rehnquist (Phi Beta Kappa. Oversaw Clinton Rhodes 1968 Impeachment) to replace him.

Member of the Advisory Counci of the Atlantic Union Committee, an organisation established to forge closer relations among the nations of the Atlantic community… The Atlantic Union Council he explained to members of the Committee, was, I Suppose …very much like the foreign relations council of the Rockefeller empire. They sit around a table like this and try to figure out how to out-smart you fellows.[8,p91,p101]

Member of the Citizens Association for the United Nations.[8]

1955 to 1971 - Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Preceded by Robert H. Jackson. Succeeded by William Rehnquist.

1954 to 1955 - Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Preceded by Augustus Noble Hand. Succeeded by J. Edward Lumbard.

1931 to 1954 - Member of Root, Ballantine, Harlan, Bushby & Palmer [law firm in New York City] NOTE: Elihu Root, Jr. (became Dweey & LeBoeuf). 1951 - During the merger negotitaions [he], was a litigator engaged in fighting the Du Pont anti-trust case. In his huge law firm Justice Harlan had little or nothing to say about the banking and corporate problems which were present and foremost in the 1951 Manhatten-Chase merger.” Privately, though never publicly, the nominee also responded to Pearson’s speculations.”They’re entirely plausible,” he remaked during a family gathering on the terrace of his Weston home. “There is only one thing wrong with them. There isn’t a shred of truth in them.” FYI 3 Jun 1957, Supreme Court orders DuPont to divest itself of GM stock … Chief Justice Earl Warren and Justices Hugo Black and William Douglas concurred. Justices Harold Burton and Felix Frankfurter dissented, while Justices Tom Clark and John Marshall Harlan disqualified themselves from the case: Clark because he had been attorney general in 1949, when the Justice Department had brought the case; Harlan because he had once represented du Pont.[6]

1928 to 1930 - Special Assistant to the New York State Attorney General, Attorney General Albert Ottinger and Hamilton Ward, Jr (Episcopal)

1925 to 1926 - Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York

1920 to ? - Rhodes Scholar, Balliol College, University of Oxford.


Uncle: James S. Harlan - Attorney General of Puerto Rico and then chairman of the Interstate Commerce by President Theodore Roosevelt (Fly Club. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Porcellian Club. Phi Beta Kappa).

Grandfather: John Marshall Harlan (Freemason)

29 Nov 1877 to 14 Oct 1911 - Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by President Rutherford Hayes (Odd Fellow). Proceded by David Davis. Succeeded by Mahlon Pitney

1 Sep 1863 to 3 Sep 1867 - Attorney General of Kentucky. Governor: Thomas Bramlette.
Proceded by Andrews James. Succeeded by John Rodman.

Whig (before 1954). Know Nothing (1854 to 1860). Opposition (1858 to 1860). Constitutional Union (1860). Unionist (1861 to 1867). Republican. (1868 to 1911)

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - FYI - Wiki - John Marshall Harlan (Rhodes 1920)

[3] - United States v. E. C. Knight Company - Dissenting

[4] - Grandafther - John Marshall Harlan (Freemason)

[5] - Dorsen, Norman; Newcomb, Amela Ames (2002). “John Marshall Harlan II: Remembrances by his Law Clerks”. Journal of Supreme Court History. 27 (2): 138–175. doi:10.1111/1540-5818.00040

[6] - Supreme Court orders DuPont to divest itself of GM stock, June 3, 1957 by Andrew Glass (3 Jun 2018)

[7] - Elihu Root Jr., Lawyer, Is Dead; Statesman’s Son a Civic Leader; Arts Patron and Yachtsman Received Truman Medal— Leading La Guardia Backer Aug. 28, 1967

[8] - John Marshall Harlan : great dissenter of the Warren Court by Yarbrough, Tinsley E., 1941-

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