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Sidney Gottlieb

CIA. MKULTRA. California Institute of Technology. Ph.D. in chemistry. Note, stutterer from childhood.

Sidney and his wife spent 18 months running a leper hospital in India and he spent his final years looking after the dying at a hospice.

3 Oct 1995 - President Bill Clinton’s (Rhodes 1968) apology for MKUltra.

1975 - MK Ultra Project identified during the Church Committee.

1973 - MKUltra Project was officially ceased. (really ? unlikely! after documenting all this I really really really can’t believe that! Probably underground !)

Apr 1953 to 1972 Retired - from MKUltra Project. Before he left he destroyed some 80 percent of the CIA’s most damaging files. Most of these had something to do with programs run by Gottlieb.[2]

By 1955 Project MKULTRA had grown so large that more government funding was needed. At this point subproject 27 (basic research of LSD) was merely a funding subproject which combined all previous subprojects, including those involving LSD, payment to Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, magic and John Mulholland’s The Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception (subproject 15 magic support, Mulholland Supplement), and the procurement of more LSD (subproject 18) but it continues on to include almost 150 known and documented subprojects including a microwave gun and the search for alternatives to LSD which led to the later programs like Project MKCHICKWIT, most of which focused on South America and mushrooms.[1]

9 Jun 1953 - Gottlieb approved Project MKULTRA’s “Subproject 8” on LSD.

**Gottlieb was the liaison to the military subcontractor Lockheed, then working on Project AQUATONE for the CIA which would later be known as the U-2 spy plane. (Search Richard Bissell, Brother William S&B 1925)

The CIA, in addition to working with subcontractors like Lockheed / LASD, also worked with other branches of the government, namely the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA aka DARPA) of the Department of Defense and the Office of Naval Intelligence, though it is unclear what role, if any, Gottlieb played in these affairs other than authorizing them

Apr 1953, Gottlieb became head of the secret Project MKULTRA, which was activated on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles. In this capacity, he administered LSD and other psycho-active drugs to unwitting subjects and financed psychiatric research and development of “techniques that would crush the human psyche to the point that it would admit anything”. He sponsored physicians such as Donald Ewen Cameron and Harris Isbell in controversial psychiatric research including nonconsensual human experiments.

Several of the children who Cameron experimented on were sexually abused, in at least one case by several men. One of the children was filmed numerous times performing sexual acts with high-ranking federal government officials, in a scheme set up by Cameron and other MKULTRA researchers, to blackmail the officials to ensure further funding for the experiments.[4]

1951, aged 33, Gottlieb joined the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). As a poison expert, he headed the chemical division of the Technical Services Staff (TSS). Gottlieb became known as the “Black Sorcerer” and the “Dirty Trickster.” He supervised preparations of lethal poisons and drug experiments in mind control.

Research Frank Olson. Netflix Wormwood.

Died 7 Mar 1999 from a history of heart problems. His wife declined to state the cause of death. Age 79-80. Event + 35y3m14d (12,890 days)

[1] - Sidney Gottlieb

[2] - Spartacus Educational - Sidney Gottlieb

[3] - Wiki - Donald Ewen Cameron

[4] - Goliszek, 2003: pp. 170–171

[5] - CIA Mind Control Experiments

[6] - Video - Truthstream Media - The Minds of Men

[7] - Video - Truthstream Media - The Minds of Men - Reference to COLD War collaboration between US and Russia.

[8] - Video - Truthstream Media - Creepy! First TV Commercial Shown after JFK Assassination

[9] - Video - SGT Report - The CIA & Drugs As Weapons against us MKUltra closed down by JFK, but it was kept going begind his back

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