Seth Harris_quill1983.jpg

Seth Harris (Quill and Dagger 1983)

Democratic. Cornell University. Quill and Dagger. Order of the Coif. New York University.

Since leaving the Obama Administration, Harris has been a Visiting Professor at the Cornell Institute for Public Affairs and a Distinguished Scholar at Cornell University’s School of Industrial & Labor Relations.[5]

Chaired Obama for America’s Labor, Employment and Workplace Policy Committee and Disability Policy Committee.

22 Jan 2013 to 23 Jul 2013 - Acting United States Secretary of Labor by President Barack Obama.

Preceded by Hilda Solis. Succeeded by Tom Perez (DNC Chair. Sigma Chi.)

1 Nov 2009 to Until 15 Jan 2014 - Member of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation’s Board of Directors.[4] (Research Michael J. Warren Rhodes 1990)

26 May 2009 to 16 Jan 2014 - United States Deputy Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis and Tom Perez by President Barack Obama.

Proceded by Howard Radzely. Succeeded by Chris Lu.

2008 / 09 - Member of the Agency Review Working Group of the Obama-Biden Transition Team.

1 May 1997 to 20 Jan 2001 - Advisor to Secretary of Labor, Alexis Herman (Gamma Alpha Chapter of the Delta Sigma Theta) by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)

20 Jan 1993 to 20 Jan 1997 - Advisor to Secretary of Labor, Robert Leich (Rhodes 1968) by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)

1992 and 1993 - Member of the Clinton (Rhodes 1968) - Gore Transition Team.

Professor of law at New York Law School and director of its Labor and Employment Law programs, as well as a visiting professor of law at Seton Hall Law School.[3]

Law Clerk to Chief Judge Gene Carter of the U.S. District Court for the District of Maine and Judge William C. Canby, Jr. of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit.

1983 - Graduated Cornell University, Quill and Dagger.

[1] - FYI - Wiki - Seth Harris - Quill and Dagger 1983

[2] - - Board of Directors - Seth Harris - Quill and Dagger 1983

[3] The Hamilton Project - Biography - Seth Harris - Quill and Dagger 1983s

[4] - OPIC - Cert. - Seth Harris - Quill and Dagger 1983

[5] - Cornell Chronicle- Seth Harris returns to ILR School as distinguished scholar By Joe Zappala | January 7, 2014

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