Ashton Baldwin Carter

Ashton Baldwin Carter (Rhodes 1976)

Democratic. University of Edinburgh. Yale University. Phi Beta Kappa. Rhodes Scholar, University of Oxford. Council on Foreign Relations.

17 Feb 2015 to 20 Jan 2017 - U.S. Secretary of Defense by President Barack Obama (S&B / Rhodes Admistration)

Deputy Robert O. Work (Colonel. Center for a New American Century CNAS)

Preceded by Chuck Hagel (Chevron Oil - successor to Rockefellers’ Standard Oil). Succeeded by Jim Matti (U.S. Central Command by President George H.W. Bush S&B1948)

6 Oct 2011 to 3 Dec 2013 - Deputy U.S. Secretary of Defense to Secretary Leon Panetta (Dir CIA. Chief of Staff Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968). Nixon) to President Barack Obama (S&B/Rhodes Administration)

Preceded by William J. Lynn III (Comptroller of the Dept. of Defense by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968)). Succeeded by Robert O. Work.

27 Apr 2009 to 5 Oct 2011 - Under U.S. Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology and Logistics to Secretary, Robert Gates (Alpha Phi Omega. Co-chair CFR. Iran-Contra.) by President Barack Obama (S&B / Rhodes Admistration)

Preceded by John J. Young Jr (Sandia National Laboraties. Lockheed Martin. Assist Sec. Navy by President George W. Bush (S&B 1968)). Succceeded by Frank Kendall III (West Point, Guantanmo Bay detention camp, human rights observer)

1997 to 2001 - Member of the Defense Policy Board [U.S. Department of Defense]

1993 to 1996 - Assistant U.S. Secretary of Defense for Global Stategic Affairs (International Security Policy) to Secretary, Leslie Aspin (Rhodes 1962) by President Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968). Responsible for all strategic matters such as proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and dual use technologies around the world; dealing with the collapse of the Soviet Union including its fearsome arsenal; and for the U.S. nuclear arsenal and other strategic capabilities like missile defenses. I was also chairman of NATO’s High Level Group. All this was quite heady and initially quite comical, as I had worked previously in the bowels of the Pentagon and had long been a member of the Defense Science Board, advising successive Secretaries of Defense on technical and classified matters. But I had never held high office. Suddenly, a huge and eager staff and a simply overwhelming set of responsibilities surrounded me. It was a steep learning curve.[5]

Preceded by Stephen Hadley. Succeeded Jack Dyer Crouch.

1988 to 1990, 1996 to 2009 - Ford Foundation Professor of Science and International Affairs.

1982 to 1984 - Research fellow at the MIT Center for International Studies, during which time he wrote a public report assessing that the Reagan-proposed “Star Wars” initiative could not protect the US from a Soviet nuclear attack. [FYI - Research Solar Warden]

A second problem I worked on in my early years at the Kennedy School was related to the first. As the Soviet Union broke up, it became apparent that the danger of a Soviet missile attack was being replaced by a new and unprecedented danger: the possibility that the Soviet Union’s nuclear arsenal might fall into entirely new and unaccustomed hands. This was the first time in the history of the nuclear age that a nuclear power had disintegrated. New countries and new governmental systems were coming into possession of nuclear weapons, and in the economic and social chaos of Russia it was entirely possible that terrorists, mutineers, or just plain criminals would also inherit the nuclear legacy of the Soviet Union. I found that two senators, Sam Nunn of Georgia and Richard Lugar of Indiana, shared my concern.[5]

1979 to 1980 - Postdoctoral fellow research associate in theortical physics at Rockefeller University.

1976, worked at Brookhaven National Laboratory.

1976 to 1979 - Rhodes Scholar, St. John’s College, University of Oxford.[1] (Theoretical Physics)

1976 - Yale University.(Physics and Medieval History).

1975, experimental research associate at Fermi National Accelerator.[5] (Research Horace Dwight Taft)

Spring 1975 - Attended University of Edinburgh in Scotland.


Married Clayton Spencer (Divorced). Married Stephanie DwLeeuw

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - Wiki Ash Carter Rhodes (1976)

[3] - Wiki Les Aspin Rhodes (1960)

[4] - Father, Dr William Stanley Carter

[5] - BELFER CENTER for Science and Internationa Affairs - Faculty Career Profile by Ash Carter

[6] - Council on Foreign relations - Expert

[7] - Horace Dwight Taft - Professor of Physics Yale, CRISIS Particle identifier at Fermilab. Died Age 57.

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