Walt Whitman Rostow Rhodes 1936.jpg

Walt Whitman Rostow (Rhodes 1936)

Economist. Professor. Political Theorist. Yale University. Balliol College, Oxford. Rhodes Scholar.

Vietnam - About the Gulf of Tonkin incident that led to the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, Rostow (Rhodes 1936) later said: “We don’t know what happened, but it had the desired effect.[4]

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution of 10 Aug 1964, gave U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson authorization without a formal declaration of war by Congress, for the use of conventional military force in Southeast Asia.

1969 - Presidential Medal of Freedom

1 Apr 1966 to 20 Jan 1969 - 7th United States National Advisor by President Lyndon B. Johnson.

Preceded by McGeorge Bundy (S&B 1940). Succeeded by Henry Kissinger (Search mind map)

4 Dec 1961 to 31 Mar 1966 - Counselor of the United States Department of State by President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Preceded by George McGhee (Rhodes 1934. Sigma Alpha Epsilon). Succeeded by Robert Bowie (Trusted Confidant of John J. McCloy/Co-founder of Harvard’s Center for International Affairs with Henry Kissinger. CFR / Trilateral Commission/CIA Chief.)

4 Dec 1961 to 31 Mar 1966 - Director of Policy Planning by President John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

20 Jan 1961 to 4 Dec 1961 - Deputy National Security Advisor by President John F. Kennedy. (position established).

Succeeded by Carl Kaysen (OSS, AAAS)

WW2 / 1945 - Awarded Order of the British Empire. (OBE) for identifying the key industries that supported the German economy.[3] Important see Important Note 1 below.**

Died 13 Feb 2003, from Not Known. Age 86

Important Note 1: Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler by Professor Antony C. Sutton

This industrial complex was never a prime target for bombing in World War II. The A.E.G. and I.T.T. plants were hit only incidentally in area raids and then but rarely. The electrical equipment plants bombed as targets were not those affiliated with U.S. firms. It was Brown Boveri at Mannheim and Siemensstadt in Berlin — which were not connected with the U.S.— who were bombed. As a result, German production of electrical war equipment rose steadily throughout World War II, peaking as late as 1944. According to the U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey reports, “In the opinion of Speers’ assistants and plant officials, the war effort in Germany was never hindered in any important manner by any shortage of electrical equipment.[5]

Important Note 2: Brother Eugene Rostow - involved in Lend-Lease.

1981 to 1983 - Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Freemason). Vice President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian. Delta Kappa Epsilon).

14 Oct 1966 to 20 Jan 1969 - Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Founded the ‘Committee on Present Danger’.

[0] - Prabook.com - Walt Whitman Rostow (Rhodes 1936)

[1] - FYI - Wiki - Walt Whitman Rostow - Rhodes 1936

[2] - Spartacus Educational.com - Walt Whitman Rostow - Rhodes 1936

[3] - Milne, David (2008). America’s Rasputin: Walt Rostow and the Vietnam War. New York: Hill and Wang. ISBN 978-0-374-10386-6. Page 32.

[4] - Book - Karnow, Stanley (1983). Vietnam: A History. New York: Viking. ISBN 0140265473. Page 376

[5] - Book - Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Prof. Antony C. Sutton.

[6] - Book - An American Policy in Asia by Rostow, Walt W., and Richard W. Hatch. (1955)

[7] - Book - The United States in the world arena; an essay in recent history by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-(1960)

[8] - Book - The stages of economic growth, a non-Communist manifesto by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-2003 (1960)

[9] - Book - The prospects for Communist China by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916- (1963)

[10] - Book - The Great Society reader : the failure of American liberalism (1967)

[11] - Book - Politics and the stages of growth by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916- (1971)

[12] - Book - Getting from here to there by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916- (1978)

[13] - Book - Pre-invasion bombing strategy : General Eisenhower’s decision of March 25, 1944 by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-2003 (1981)

[14] - Book - Open skies : Eisenhower’s proposal of July 21, 1955 by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916- (1982)

[15] - Book - Europe after Stalin : Eisenhower’s three decisions of March 11, 1953 (1982) by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-

[16] - Book - Eisenhower, Kennedy, and foreign aid by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916- (1985)

[17] - Book - The United States and the regional organization of Asia and the Pacific, 1965-1985 by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916- (1986)

[18] - Book - The dynamics of Soviet society by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-2003 (1953)

[19] - Book - British economy of the nineteenth century : essays by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-2003 (1968)

[20] - Book - An American policy in Asia by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916- (1955)

[21] - Book - The world economy : history & prospect by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-2003 (1978)

[22] - Book - Why the poor get richer and the rich slow down : essays in the Marshallian long period by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-2003 (1980)

[23] - Book - The barbaric counter-revolution : cause and cure by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916-2003 (1983)

[24] - Article - WALT ROSTOW, FORMER INSIDER, NOW IS KEY WITNESS, Washington Times 17 Oct 1984 by Central Intelligence Agency

[25] - Book - The great population spike and after : reflections on the 21st century by Rostow, W. W.(Walt Whitman), 1916- (1998)

[26] - Book - The secret war against Hanoi Kennedy’s and Johnson’s use of spies, saboteurs, and covert warriors in North Vietnam by Shultz, Richard H., 1947- (1999)

[27] - Book - Patriots : the Vietnam War remembered from all sides by Appy, Christian G (2003)

[38] - Book - Vietnam, a history by Karnow, Stanley (1983) - Walt proposed legislative resolution p358 as early as Feb.

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