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William Colby

8 Mar 1982, Interview - Colby, Director of the CIA stated, “We have determined that the Soviet strategic advances depend on Western Technology to a far greater degree than anybody evered dreamed of. It just doesn’t make any sense for us to spend additional billions of dollars to protect ourselves against the capabilities that the Soviets have developed largely by virtue of having pretty much a free ride on our research and development… We found that scientific exchange is a big hole. We send scholars or young people to the Soviet Union to study Pushkin poetry; they send a 45-year-old man out of their KGB or defense establishment to exactly the schools and the professors who are working on sensitive technologies.

Note: Research … The Best Enemy Money Can Buy by Professor A. C. Sutton

30 Jan 1976, he was replaced by George H W Bush (S&B1948) during the so-called Halloween Massacre.

4 Sep 1973 to 30 Jan 1976 - Director of Central Intelligence by President Richard Nixon (Bohemian) / Gerald Ford (Freemason / VP Nelson Rockefeller)

Preceded by James R. Schlesinger.

1975, Rockefeller commission uncovered some of the CIAs MKULTRA activites. Frank Olson incident - family persauded not to go to court and recieved $500k less than promised.

9 May 1975, the Church Committee decided to call acting CIA director William Colby. That same day Ford’s top advisers (Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld, Philip W. Buchen, and John Marsh) drafted a recommendation that Colby be authorized to brief only rather than testify, and that he would be told to discuss only the general subject, with details of specific covert actions to be avoided except for realistic hypotheticals. But the Church Committee had full authority to call a hearing and require Colby’s testimony. Ford and his top advisers met with Colby to prepare him for the hearing.

3 Sep 1973, Colby was made Director of CIA.

Church and Pike congessional investigations into alledged U.S. Intelligence Malfeasance.

1971, Colby returned to Washington and became executive director of CIA, after long-time DCI Richard Helms was dismissed by President Nixon.

1959, CIA deputy chief and then chief of station in Saigon, South Vietnam.

1962, he returned to Washington to become the deputy and then chief of CIA’s Far East Division, succeeding Desmond Fitzgerald (CIA Chief of Cuban Task Force to overthrow Fidel castro), who had died from a heart attack in Jul 1967, Aged 57

Died 27 Apr 1996 (aligns with ARRB), On a spring day, he went down to the waterfront near his weekend home and launched his canoe. His body was found several days later. Age 61. Event + 32y5m5d (11,845 days)

[1] - Spartacus Educational - William Colby

[2] - Wiki - William Colby

[3] - References to Potomac River

[4] - Find a Grave - William Colby

[5] - Franklin Coverup - Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder by Senator John DeCamp

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