Wilbur Parker_sandb1880.jpg

Wilbur Parker (S&B 1880)

Brooks Military Academy. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Delta Kappa. He Boule. Psi Upsilon. Harvard University.

1927 - Member Board of governors Yale Club of Columbus.[4]

1903 to 1917 - Acted as field superintendent of T N Barnsdall Oil and Gas interests in Indiana and Illinois.[4]

Since 1900 - resided in Columbus.[4]

1894 to 1903 and 1917 until Retirement - Supervised his mining properties in Chihuahua.[4]

Retired from law practice 1894.[4]

12 Mar 1894 - Married in Pasadena, Calif, Fanny Mithoff Nicholas, daughter of Edward Theodore and Mary (Meyers) Mithoff. No children. Mrs Parker died July 21, 1903

1892 to 1893 - Member, Ohio State Senate.[4]

1890 to 1891 - Member, Ohio State Legislature.[4]

Resumed practice of law in Cleveland (member Eddy & Parker 1885).[4]

1884 to 1885 - Engaged in mining, Sonora, Mexico.[4]

Feb 1883 - Moved to Texas and there carried on a cattle business until March, 1885.[4]

Nov 1882 - Admitted to Ohio Bar.[4]

1881 to 1882 - Attended Harvard University Law School.[4]

1880 to 1881 - Read law in a Cleveland law office.[4]

1880 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 2 Dec 1938, from Cerebral Hemorrhage Known. Age 80.[4]

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley


[4] - Yale Library - Page 27


[6] - Find a Grave - Theodore Newton Barnsdall

He has been identified officially with the Barnsdall Oil Co., the Union Natural Gas Corporation, Pittsburg Oil & Gas Co., Wildwood Oil Company, Southern Oil Co., Kansas Natural Gas Co., and several other big concerns.

In the Osage District in Oklahoma, he formerly was the largest single owner of leases, but in 1915 much of this territory went to other interests, the Interior Department having failed to renew his leasehold rights. However, he still had large acreage and production in that district. He was a resident of Pittsburgh for many years, but his varied interests required his presence in many places and he did much travelling. He had included foreign countries in his journeys and was closely in touch with oil and gas affairs at home and abroad “Thede” Barnsdall was a man of large stature, being almost in the giant class and having a tireless disposition, never spared himself in the matter of work. He was a business man of broad capabilities. Personally he was generous and amiable. He is survived by the following near relatives: Two daughters Miss Ailene Barnsdall of Los Angeles, Cal.; Mrs. Robert Law of Pittsburgh; one sister, Mrs. Charles W. Snakard, of Titusville; one half sister, Miss Lucy Cleland, of Providence, R.I.. The funeral services were not completed Tuesday evening other than that the body would be brought to Titusville for interment in the fam- ily mausoleum in Woodlawn Cemetery.”

Titusville Herald, February 28, 1917.

[7] - NY Times, 28 Feb 1917 - T.N. Barnsdall, Oil Operator - Theodore Newton Barnsdall RIP

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