Allen Trafford Klots Sr. (S&B 1909)
Lawyer. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Phi Beta Kappa. Harvard Law School. Editor of the Harvard Law Review.
? to ? - Former Mayor of Laurel Hollow.[3]
? to ? - Director of Schieffelin & Co. chemical manufacturers and importers of wine and spirits. [3]
? to ? - He was a former treasurer of the New York Law Institute.[3]
1958, Served on the Bar’s Steering Committee in its drive for court reorganization throughout the State.[3]
1956 - His thorough presentation of the case for overhauling the judicial structure prompted Mayor Robert F. Wagner (S&K 1933, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks) to appoint him chairman of the Mayor’s Committee on the courts.
Note: Mayor Robert F. Wagner (S&K 1933) was succeeded by John Lindsay (S&K 1944) who met his wife at the wedding of Nancy Bush (Sister of future President George H.W. Bush (S&B 1948))
1954, 1955 - President of the New York City Bar Association - urging court reform.[3]
1948, Headed up a committee that urged Congress to adopt reforms of Congressional investigating procedures. The resolution was admittedly aimed at the House Committee on Un-American Activities.
1929, he followed Henry L. Stimson (S&B1888) to the State Department, when Stimson was appointed Secretary of State by President Herbert Hoover (sworn in by Chief Justice William H. Taft (S&B1878)), and there he served as Stimson’s assistant. Among his assignments was the gathering of information on the Soviet Union and investigating Japanese incursions into China.[3]
1921 - Joined Winthrop & Stimson and became Partner.[2][3]
Stayed in France for a year as a member of the staff of the American Relief Commission in Paris.
WW1 - 1916 to 1920/21 - Lt., 77th Division of the American Expeditionary Force - France[3]
1909 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch
Died 1 Jan 1965, from Heart Attack. Age 75.
Son Allen Trafford Klots (S&B 1943)