Charles Daniel Hines_sandb1871.jpg

Charles Daniel Hines (S&B 1871)

Education. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Delta Kappa Epsilon. Delta Beta Xi. Phi Beta Kappa. Secretary of Linonia. Freemason.[3]

Member Protestant Episcopal Church, National Education Association, National Super-intendents’ Association, and American Library Association.[4]

WW1 - Member, State Council of Defense.[3]

WW1 - During World War served as state director for school war activities, director of the State War Library Council, and member of the War Savings Committee, the committee appointed to make an accurate estimate of the population of the state, and the national committee of one hundred on publicity.[4] Was also appointed by the State Council of Defense to go to Canada to investigate work being done there for disabled soldiers.[4]

1917 - Appointed agent for Connecticut to enforce the federal childlabor law.[4]

26 Jun 1916 - Married , in Randolph, Vt, Mabel Elizabeth, daughter of Emburyand Carrie (Balcomb) Moston. One daughter, Elizabeth.Death due to heart disease. Interment in family lot atLebanon, Conn , where his father was for more than thirtyyears pastor of the First Congregational Church. Survivedby wife, son; daughter; a brother, Roderick W. Hine, ‘84;and two sisters, Mrs. George M. Carrington and Miss Edith C Hine (B.A. Smith 1883), both of whom live in Winsted,

1883 to 1920 - Secretary of Connecticut State Board of Education.[3]

December 1882, elected secretary of the Connecticut State Board of Education.[4] Served in that position from January 1, 1883, until his retirement in 1920,the name of his office being changed to commissioner of education in 1918.[4] In this capacity organized supervisory. Districts in rural sections of the state, introduced traveling libraries for the benefit of small towns, established tradeschools in industrial centers, enlarged normal school facilities for training teachers, and secured the enactment of laws for the improvement of rural schools, was chairman of the Connecticut Public Library Commission from 1893 until his death, lecturer on education at Yale 1915-19.[4]

29 Mar 1880 - Married (1), in Chicago, 111., Mrs. MaryNewell (Stark) Thomas, daughter of Benjamin Stark. Twosons, Daniel, a non-graduate member of the Class of 1905 atthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and CharlesStark (died in childhood).

1880 to 1883 - Principal of the Omaha High School.

1878 - LL.B. Iowa State University.[3]

1876 to 1878 - Attended the Law School of Iowa State University (LL.B, 1878).[4]

1874 to 1876 - Superintendent of schools at Saginaw, Mich. (1871-74),and at Norwich, Conn.[4]

Practiced law in Omaha, Nebr, two years.[4]

1871 to 1874 - Superintendent of Schools of Saginaw, Michigan.[3]

1871 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]

Died 27 Aug 1923, from Heart Disease. Age 78

[1] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[2] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen

[4] - Yale Obituary - Page 50 / on the page 1037

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