George Crile Jr. (S&B 1929)
Surgeon. Hotchkiss School*. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Harvard Medical School.
Head of General Surgery, Cleveland Clinc.[2]
12 Sep 1992, The New York Times - Dr. George Crile Jr., 84, Foe Of Unneeded Surgery, Dies.
The Cleveland surgeon who angered the medical establishment by insisting that some radical procedures for breast cancer and other disesses met the surgeon’s needs rather than the patient’s.[5]
… Dr Crile’s battle against unnecessary surgery affected the lives of un-counted people in this counrty, but particularly women stricken with breast cancer.[5]
… The controversy of two decades ago swirled around Dr. Crile’s campaign against radical mastectomy - removal of the entire breast and of surrounding lumph notes and major chest muscle which was routinely performed on breast cancer patiens for a century. Instead, he preferred to combat the cancer with a simple mastectomy or, in early stages, with a lumpectomy, in which the turmour and minimal amount of surrounding tissue is removed by a local insision.[5]
31 Oct 1955, LIFE Published - A Plea Against the Blind Fear of Cancer by George Crile Jr (S&B 1929) Note: Life founded by Henry Luce S&B1920.
An experienced surgeon says that excessive worry leads to costly tests, undue suffering…
“…The length of life is not a measure of its values. Jesus died at the age of 33. So did Alexander the Great. The young men of Britains air force in World War II [Search mind map World War 2] were exposed to a greater risk of instant death than are many patients with cancer. These men knew their fate but they did not live in fear. They had not been taught to fear.”.[4,p142]
“The facts about cancer may seem unbearable. But time brings healing. Gradually it becomes apparent that the length of a life is no measure of its impact on the lives of those it touches. It is the deapth of life that counts. No life can run deep and true if its is obessed with the fear of death. The lives that have meaning are those that are lived gallantly, in the joy of living, and with the gladness to share that joy. We should build our moments to the miracle of life, not to the fear of death.”[4,p142]
1942 to 1946 - Commander, US Navy.[2] Stationed at Naval Hospitals in San Diago and New Zealand.
1929 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch
Died 11 Sep 1992, from Lung Cancer. Age 84.[5]
Father, George Crile Sr helped found the Cleveland Clinic.[5]
First wife, Jane halle, died of Cancer in 1963.
[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen
[4] - LIFE 31 Oct 1955 - A Plea Against the Blind Fear of Cancer- by George Crile Jr
[5] - 12 Sep 1992 - The New York Times - Dr. George Crile Jr., 84, Foe Of Unneeded Surgery, Dies
[7] - FYI - Wiki - George Crile Jr