Stuart Craig Rand (S&B 1909)
Attorney. Yale University. Skull and Bones.
44 Years - Retired from the law firm of Choate, Hall and Stewart.
5 Dec 1950, Berkshire Evening Eagle (Pittsfield MA), published … Twenty-one Boston business leaders - known as the Dover group - suggested the withdrawal [from Korea] to President Truman [Freemason] and Secretary of State Acheson [S&B 1915] … Signers included … Stuart Rand [S&B 1909] of the State Street law firm of Choate, Hall & Stewart.[5]
1943 to 1946 - Member, Massachusetts State Legislature.[2]
1939 - General chairman of the Greater Boston Community Fund’s 1939 campaign and served for three years as chairman of the Greater Boston Committee of British War Relief Society.[4]
1920 - Became Partner, in the law firm Choate, Hall and Stewart.
Member Yale Alumni Board.[2]
WW1 - Captain, Air Service.[2]
1909 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]
Died 7 Oct 1956, from Not Known. Methodist Epsicopal.
[1b] - Free older version. Please buy author publications.
[2b] - Free older version. Please buy author publications.
[4] - Google Drive - S&B Obituaries
[5] - The Descendants of John Rand and Betsy Babcock
[6] Spartacus Educational - Korean War