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WW2 - U.S. War Department and Military Intelligence

No disrespect to honourable servicemen and women is intended.

Henry L. Stimson (S&B1888)
10 Jul 1940 to 21 Sep 1945 - 54th United States Secretary of War by President Franklin D. Roosevelt (Freemason) and Harry S. Truman (Freemason).
28 Mar 1929 to 4 Mar 1933 - 46th United States Secretary of State by President Herbert Hoover (Bohemian)
27 Dec 1927 to 23 Feb 1929 - Governor-General of the Philippines by President Calvin Coolidge (Conn. Russell & Co/Freemsonry via Wife and Son.)
22 May 1911 to 4 Mar 1913 - 45th United States Secretary of War by President William H. Taft (S&B1878)
Jan 1906 to 8 Apr 1909 - United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York by President Theodore Roosevelt (Freemason) and William Howard Taft (S&B 1878. Freemason)

Robert Vincent Roosa (Rhodes 1939)
WW2 - Served as an Intelligence specialist in Europe. Served in London as assistant to Charles P. Kindleberger (Marshall Plan. CFR. Student of Alfred Eckhard Zimmern of Oxford Unv, Royal Institute of International Affairs, Round Table and insider to Carroll Quigley ) in the Enemy Objectives Unit, identifying potentially valuable enemy targets.

William P. Bundy (S&B 1939), son of Harvey Hollister Bundy (S&B1907)**
Aug 1943, he led the nine-man 6813th Signals Security Detachment to the UK secret code braking ‘Government Code and Cipher School’ at Bletchley Park. He and six other cryptanalysts worked in Hut6 and the two translators worked in Hut 3[1,3]. The fiited in well and he later described his time there as “the most satisfying of my carer”.

McGeorge Bundy (S&B 1940), son of Harvey Hollister Bundy (S&B1907)
WW2 - 1942 to 1946 - Intelligence Officer, United States Army.

Paul Howard McGregor Converse (Wolf’s Head)
1944 to 1946 - Military attache, American Legation, Bagdad, Iraq, [1] (1941, Rashid Ali al-Gaylani and Golden Square,Iraq pro Nazi’s, overthrew Crow Prince ‘Abd al-Ilah, resulting in Anglo-Iraqi War to protect interests.
1943 to 1944 - Chief, Advance Base, Joint Army-Navy Intelligence Collection Agency, Beirut.

Stuart West Little (S&B1944)
1943 to 1945 - Sgt., OSS for which his duties included writing psychological profiles of high-ranking Nazis.

Russel Lee Post (S&B1927)
Nov 1943 to Mar 1944 - Intelligence officer in the U.S. Army Air Forces during World War II Assistant intelligence officer, G-2, Headquarters, European Theatre of Operations in London.

Alexander Barrow Daspit (Rhodes 1931)
WW2 - 1945 to 1946 - Planning Assistant, Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion.
WW2 - 1942 to 1945 - Intelligence Officer, For. Econ. Admin.

James McCormack, Jr. (Rhodes 1932)
WW2 - May 1945, he returned to the United States and was reassigned to the War Department General Staff, Washington, D.C., where he served successively as a member of the strategy and policy group, as assistant chief and chief of the Strategic Policy Section, and as chief of the Politico-Military Survey Section.
WW2 - October 1943 - he went overseas in to become chief of the Movements Branch First Army Group in Europe, and the following July was named chief of the Movements Branch, 12th Army Group, in that theater.
WW2 - March 1943 he became chief of the Construction Branch, War Department General Staff.

Robert Warren Barnett (Rhodes 1934)>br> WW2 - Chief combat intelligence offcier, Army Air Force.

Hugh Terry Cunningham (S&B1934)
1945 to 1947 - Member, Central Intelligence Group
1942 to 1946 - Major, AUS

John Merrill Knapp (S&B1936)
1942 to 1946 - Lt. Commander, US Navy Intelligence.

Harry Halsted Harper Jr. (S&B1934)
1942 to 1946 - Capt., US Marine Corp. attached to the Office of Strategic Services.

Jogn Felch Berttram Runnalls (S&B1937)
1942 to 1945 - Former Major in the U.S. Army; served with Military Intelligence Service in the War Department.

Joseph Carrere Fox (S&B1938)
1941 to 1945 - Lt. Commander, US Navy. US Naval Intelligence monitoring the Panama Canal and the Straits of Gibraltar.

John Hay Whitney (S&K 1926)
WW2 - United States Army Air Forces as an intelligence officer. Assigned to the Office of Strategic Services. Caught and escaped from the Germans.

Charles Carroll Glover III (S&B1940)
WW2 - United States War Department - Military Intelligence - Office of Chief of staff.

Bruce Donald Smith (S&B1906)
WW2 - Special Assistant to Chairman of War Manpower Committee.

Tracy Barnes (S&K 1933)
WW2 - Served first with US Air Force intelligence, then with the Office of Strategic Services.

Louis Talcott Stone Jr. (S&B1937)
WW2 - Major, AUS, Military Intelligence, War Department.

Raymond Walleser Ellis (S&B1930)
WW2 - Served in the Pacific as an air combat intelligence officer [Midway etc] on the staff of Adm. Felix Stump, and was awarded the Bronze Star.

George Crews McGhee (Rhodes 1934)
WW2 - Staff member in the Office of Production Management and on the War Production Board. Comissioned into the U.S. Navy, McGhee served as a naval air intelligence officer on the staff of Army Air Force General Curtis E. LeMay, for which he was awarded the Legion of Merit.

Charles Hastings Willard (S&B1926)
War Department in Washington.

Archibald MacLeish (S&B1915)
- Director of the War Department’s Office of Facts and Figures.
- Assisted with the development of the new “Research and Analysis Branch” of the Office of Strategic Services (Precursor to CIA), lead by Harvard’s historian William L. Langer.

Richard Ely Danielson (S&B1907)
Lt. Col. GSC Intelligence.

George Armstrong Lyon (S&B1900)
Served with Boston Information Center, AAF.

Sumner Gerard Jr.
Captain, Intelligence, Marines. Son of Sumner Gerard (S&B1897). In 1942, he flew Winston Churchill to Moscow, Soviet Union, to meet Joseph Stalin.

William Neely Mallory (S&B 1924)
Intelligence officer in the U.S. Army Air Forces.

Edward Tuck Hall (S&B1941)
1st Lt, Infantry, Intelligence.

Frederick W. Wilhelmi Jr. (S&B1939)
US Army - Intelligence Branch.

Robert Warren Barnett (Rhodes1934)
1963 to 1970 - Deputy Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs to Dean Rusk (Rhodes 1931) by President John F. Kennedy, Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon (Bohemian)
WW2 - Chief combat intelligence offcier, Army Air Force.

Hugh D. Auchincloss Jr (Elihu1920)
WW2 - Office of Naval Intelligence and the War Department.

Joseph S. Bradley (Freemason) - Chief fo Training Group, War Department General Staff, G-2. Mason.[1]

Omar N. Bradley (Freemason) - Brigadier General. Commanded the 2nd Corps in the North Tunisian and Sicilian campaigns; the 1st U.S. Army in the Normandy campaign and the 12th Army Group in France, Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and Germany. Chief of staff, U.S. Army 1948-49 and chairman of staff, U.S. Army 1949-1953.[1]

[1] - Book - 10,000 Famous Freemasons

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