
Brown Brothers Harriman

1927 - Merger of Brown Brothers and W. A. Harriman.

Founded 1922 - W.A. Harriman & Co.

Founded 1825 - Brown Brothers & Co, established by another son James Brown.[6,p28]

Founded 1818 - John A. Brown and Co, by son, John Alexander Brown.[6,p28]

Alexander Brown and his four sons co-founded Alex. Brown & Sons.

1978 to Present - Alexander T. Ercklentz (S&B 1959) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

Manasses Jacob Grove (S&B 1929 / Rhodes)

1969 to 1998 - Granger K. Costikyan (S&B 1929) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1968 to ? - Walter Henderson Brown (S&B 1945) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1965 to 1993 - Robert Vincent Roosa (Rhodes 1939) - Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co**

1955 to 1988 - John Beckwith Madden (S&B 1941) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1937 to 1942 - Eugene W. Stetson Jr. (S&B 1934) - Assistant Manager of B.B.H. & Co.

1937 to 1942 - Mortimer Seabury (S&B 1909) - Employee of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

1932 to 1945, 1945 to 1981 - Stephen Young Hord (S&B 1921)- General Partner, Brown Bros Harriman & Co.

Partner - Thatcher M. Brown (Yale 1897), son Thatcher Brown Jr S&B 1930).[7]

Partner - Moreau Delano Brown (Wolf’s Head 1898).[7][8]

Partner - Ray Morris (S&B 1901).[7]

1931 to 1940, 1946-1947, 1949 to 1950, 1953 to 1986 - Robert A. Lovett (S&B 1918) - Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co.

1931 to 1982 - Knight Woolley (S&B 1917) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1931 to 1978 - Edward Roland Harriman (S&B 1917) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1931 to 1972 - Prescott S. Bush (S&B 1917) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1931 to 1956 - Ray Morris (S&B 1901) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1931 to 1946 - William Averell Harriman (S&B 1913) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1931 to 1934 - Laurence G. Tighe (S&B 1916) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1931 to 1932 - Ellery S. James (S&B 1917), son of Henry Ammon James (S&B 1874) - Partner of B.B.H. & Co.

1920 to 1924 - John Wesley Doane Jr (S&B 1891) - Securities Sales Department of Harriman & Company, New York.

1898 to 1899 - David Francis Rogers (S&B 1898) - Brown Brothers & Company, brokers.

Alan Greenspan 11 Aug 1987 to 31 Jan 2006 - 13th Chairman of the Federal Reserve by President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason), George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian), Bill Clinton (Rhodes 1968) and George W. Bush (S&B 1968) 4 Sep 1974 to 20 Jan 1977 - 10th Chair of the Council of Economics Advisers by President Gerald Ford (Freemason) Managing Director of Brown Brothers Harriman** Equity Research Department.

George Hunter Brown (Partner of Brown Brothers & Co), Son, James Brown, grandson of James Brown, who founded Brown Brothers in New York in 1825; and a great grandson of Alexander Brown. Brown Brothers merged with W. A. Harriman & Co, in 1931. “Mr. Brown was active in the creation of the Port of New York Authority, especially in determining the method of financing its operations.” He was the first American president of the British Empire Chamber of Commerce. (James Brown Dies; A Banker 50 Years. New York Times, Jun. 10, 1935.) He was a trustee of the Union Trust when it merged with the Central Trust in 1918, and remained on the board of the Central Union Trust until his death. His daughter, Adele Quartley Brown, married Robert Abercrombie Lovett (S&B 1918), and a general partner of Brown Brothers, Harriman & Co.

[1] - Rhodes Database

[2] - America’s Secret Establishment. An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones by Antony C. Sutton (2004)

[3] - Fleshing Out Skull & Bones - Investigations into America’s Most Powerful Secret Society 2008 by Antony Sutton, Howard Altman, Kris Millegan, Dr Ralph Bunch, Anton Chaitkin and Webster Griffin Tarpley

[4] - Brown Brothers Harriman

[5] - FYI - Wiki - Brown Brothers Harriman

[6] - Book - Partners in Banking: A Historical Portrait of A Greate Private Bank Brothers Harriman & Co., 1818-1968 by Kouwenhoven, John Atlee, 1909-

[7] - Yale Obituary - Ellery Sedgewick James (S&B 1917)

[8] - - Moreau Delano Brown

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