George Bowen Case (S&B 1894)
Phillips Andover*. Yale University. Skull and Bones. Columbia University (Law).
Trustee of Phillips Academy*.[5]
WW1 - 1917, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson appoints George Case to the War Council within the Red Cross. Major General Case helps transform the Red Cross into an international institution.[5]
1903 - Took part in the organisation of Bankers Trust and firm continued to be general counsel.[5]
1901 - Founder Member of White & Case [law firm in New York City];
1897 - Columbia (LL.B.)
1894 - Graduated Yale, Skull and Bones Patriarch.[1]
Died 18 Jul 1955, from Not Known. Age 83.
Note: Son of Ermine Case Jr, Attorney, Real Estate developer. Died 11 Mar 1886, Age 44. (son George, was 13 yrs old.)[5]
[3] - Skull and Bones Membership List by David Luhrssen
[4] - Obituaries - George Bowen Case (S&B 1894)
[5] - - Firm History