The Back Story
If you are becoming AWARE or WAKING UP, a good place to start is the Categories > Further Research menu.
You’ll find book links to the online library ‘Archive’. The older versions are freely available, however, please support authors by buying the latest versions of their books.
There are also important interviews which provide a great knowledge baseline, with first hand experience that will help you wake up gradually.
It’s NOT a good idea to rush the process. You should allow time to digest the information, research and question. It’s not a race. The information below dives straight in and maybe a bit overwhelming.
If you feel uncomfortable at any point, please take a break and come back when ready.
Normalcy Bias and Cognitive Dissonance is to be expected, we all go through it.
Our beautiful planet will carry on spinning, so don’t worry. :-)
Historical discrepancies include …
That war has been the process of creation, rather than political failure.
Historically the deep state has developed the east (Russia, Germany, Afghanistan, Iran, etc) during peace time and war time to create opposition e.g. WW2, cold war, nuclear arms race, Vietnam, Afghanistan and War on Terror / Axis of Evil etc (Profitable Hegelian Dialect to implement change.)
Foundations have been acting under a directive to facilitate change that brings in the New World Order under a communist regime. (Research Norman Dodd, 2nd Chief Investigator to the Reece Committee Investigation into Tax-Exempt Foundations. Video link below [1], tee’d up, but best to watch all of it. It covers the Great Depression earlier on.)
[1] - Interview Video - Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations
After WW1, there was a conspiracy between the Carnegie Endownment for Internation Peace and other foundations to alter the manner in which this subject [history] is presented. (Re-write history)
To understand the directive, you need to understand that the deep state did not want another capitalist country to compete with, they wanted the opposite, Communism which started with the Bolshevik Resolution in 1917. Communism controlled the masses, allowed the exploitation of resources and provided hegelian dialect for war debt and change e.g. WW1, WW2, Cold War etc.
The education system has been deliberately dumbed down (Research Charlotte Iserbyt, daughter / granddaughter of Skull and Bonesmen and education advisor to President Ronald Reagan / VP George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948))
Historical events such as the sinking of the USS Maine (Spanish American War), Gleiwitz incident (WW1), RMS Lusitania (WW1), Titanic, Pearl Harbour (WW2), Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam), 9/11 (War on Terrorism) have been either false flag attacks or preventable, but let them happen.
Some example posts … many more available via the Categories and Tag menu.
- Death of European Royalty during the mid to late 1800’ths, has been incidental.
Our society has not dealt with the underlying issues and hence the problems we have today and the “swamp” that the 2016 Presidential Trump Campaign referred to.
This website, is the continuation of Professor Sutton’s research, so that we may be better able to communicate the history of the swamp and the issues we are challenged with.
The objective is to positively enlighten ourselves, so that we can positively enlighten others. To see and fix a problem, you must first understand it and communicate it.
Charlotte Iserbyt, daughter and grand-daughter of two Skull and Bonesmen (S&B), advisor to President Ronald Reagan (Bohemian. Hon. Freemason) / Vice President George H. W. Bush (S&B 1948. Freemason. Bohemian. Delta Kappa Epsilon.), Whistle-blower and author of The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, leaked Professor Sutton the membership list of Skull and Bones., approx. 2,700 names.
Unfortunately, the names from 2007 onwards are not in the public domain.
This list allowed Professor Sutton to understand how the key players behind historical events were connected, what their ideology is and publish …
Skull and Bones was founded in 1832, Yale College. They are also known as the Brotherhood of Death and The Order. Other secret societies followed, Scroll & Key (1842) and Wolf’s Head (1884) and many more including Rhodes Scholars. These particular fraternities aligned very closely to key families, their companies, institutions, foundations and key government positions. There were many more before and after.
Their influence on history has been huge, but the history books for the most part (99.9%) don’t cover it.
As apart of this research we’ve validated the names and their membership to Skull and Bones (S&B) against the Yale Obituaries which are available up to 1952.
Surprisingly, many obituaries reference S&B, the rest are announced in The New York Times of which the son of the founder (Henry Jarvis Raymond - Freemason/Episcopalian), Henry Warren Raymond, was Skull and Bones 1869. He was tapped the same year his father died aged 49, of a surprise Heart Attack !
A common theme, especially around the death of JFK. Rather large clue there!
We’ve been using the information to build profiles, analyse their careers against historical events, which we are sharing here.
Each is mapped to tags to help you go through them. There are a lot of profiles and you may get lost in the detail, so use the tags provided to help.
We post daily …. so that big picture is building up ! A bit like a monet, lots of dots!
And we’ll be sharing Mind Maps via the Mind Maps tag. Help yourself, you’ll need Edraw Mindmaster. Windows is fine. Ubuntu is best.
Larger versions will be available in due course.
Currently adding Rhodes Scholars! (for a Closer relationship with the U.S.)
[6] - Book - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
[7] - Interview - Charlotte Iserbyt Societies Secrets - Father & grandfather were S&B
[8] - - When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief
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